chapter 11

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"Sorry about your first hunt alone, Kiara." Zuri said.

"It's okay, I should have known my father would never give me a real chance." Kiara frowned.

"Cheer up, Kiara, maybe it'll get better." Tiifu suggested.

"Yeah, maybe," Kiara said. "Well, I better thank Kovu and Lukio for saving mine and Kopa's lives."

"We'll get home, good night, Kiara." Zuri said.

"Good night, girls." Kiara nodded to her best friends before going to meet Kovu and Lukio.

Kovu was about to head inside the den of Pride Rock.

"Um... Hey..." Kiara called.

Kovu turned to see her.

"Thanks for saving me and my brother today." Kiara said.

"What were you doing out there anyway? I can understand your brother being out there because of experience with hunting, but you, you wouldn't have survived." Kovu said.

"What?" Kiara replied.

"You wouldn't last three days on your own." Kovu smirked.

"Oh.... And I suppose you could teach me if my brother was too busy?" Kiara replied, feeling provoked.

"Yeah, even if he wasn't too busy, I'd let him join in." Kovu scoffed.

Kiara seemed to smirk with Kovu. Kopa appeared to be looking for something to give to Lukio to welcome her into Pride Rock.

"Kiara!" Simba came to his daughter and the Outsider teenage cub.

"Coming!" Kiara told her dad.

Kovu kept looking to Kiara.

"All right, impress me," Kiara then said to Kovu. "We start at dawn." she then walked off to join her father.

"I look forward to it." Kovu chuckled to himself.

Kopa continued to look until he saw some beautiful African flowers. "Oh, how lovely..." he said to himself.

"Kopa!" Simba called out.

"Coming, Dad, just a minute!" Kopa called back, then looked down to the flower field. "These are really beautiful," He soon picked up some of them to give to Lukio. "She'll love these!" he muffled as he carried the flowers in his mouth and had a spring in his step as he went his way home to surprise and impress his new crush.

Kovu would have joined them inside the den, but Simba didn't exactly approve of him going inside. Nuka and Zira were secretly watching as Kovu was made to sleep outside. While Lukio was welcomed to come inside with her family. Leo and Leah smiled as they were reunited with their daughter at last.

Lune smiled the same way as he was finally reconnected with his twin sister. Kopa came in with the African flowers he found which weren't poisonous. Lukio smiled to him.

"Excuse me." Kopa muffled as he approached the family.

The family turned to him, curiously and happily.

Kopa soon bowed his head to Lukio before placing the flowers he got for her in front of her.

Lukio blushed. "Flowers....? For me...?"

"For you." Kopa smiled shyly to her.

"They're a welcome present to welcome you into the Pridelands."

"Oh, how thoughtful." Leah smiled to that.

"Erm... Thank you, Prince Kopa." Lukio replied.

"You can just call me Kopa." Kopa smiled.

"Okay... Kopa..." Lukio said then with a smile back. She then soon rewarded him for his kindness and gift with a kiss on the cheek or in this case; a lick on the cheek.

Kopa blushed and his eyes widened slightly as he was not expecting that.

"Thank you." Lukio smiled as she accepted the flowers.

"You're very welcome." Kopa smiled back.

Lukio soon went to sleep with her new flowers and her family. Kopa then smiled as he went to join his own family for the night. He soon saw Kiara smirking at him at how he reacted to his first kiss. He rolled his eyes as he came down beside her and Kion who was already fast asleep.

Everyone else soon fell asleep.

Felicity seemed to be awake as Simba appeared to be having trouble sleeping himself. "I wonder what's wrong with Uncle Simba?" she then whispered to herself.

"Flick?" Cherry turned to her daughter.

"Maman, I am worried about Uncle Simba," Felicity said. "He looks troubled in his slumber."

Cherry looked to the current Lion King of Pride Rock and had to agree with her daughter. "He appears to be having a nightmare."

"What could his nightmare be about?" Felicity asked.

"Do you want me to find out?" Cherry sighed to Felicity's curiousity.

"Yes." Felicity smiled.

"All right, you wait with your father, I'll be right back." Cherry replied as she went to see Simba.

Felicity nodded as she soon went to her father. Cherry came next to Simba and gently grabbed his shoulder as she was then going to be taken into his dream.

"Simba... Simba!" Mufasa's voice called. "Help me!"

"This must be when Mufasa died." Cherry remembered.

"Father!" Simba called back.

Cherry then heard a familiar evil laughter. She looked up to see a darkened figure who was rocking by the moonlight. "Scar?" she then wondered.

"Dad, just a little farther." Simba said as he reached out for his father.

Scar latched onto Simba's upper foreleg. Cherry winced as that looked rather painful.

"Gotcha..." Scar grinned maliciously. "Trust me..."

"Simba!" Mufasa cried out. He began to slip and slide down the gorge like he had done in the past which led to his untimely death.

"Nooo!" Simba yelped, before glaring at Scar. "You!"

Scar laughed wickedly before he slowly morphed into Kovu.

"Whoa, did not see that coming." Cherry said.

Kovu laughed as he let go of Simba and made him fall with Mufasa to die while laughing.

Simba woke up then and panted heavily from that rather horrific nightmare. Cherry was soon back with her husband and children.

"Is Simba okay, Maman?" Felicity asked.

"I believe Simba is thinking Kovu will be just like Scar." Cherry replied based on what she saw from the nightmare sequence.

"Oh, my..." Felicity frowned.

"Afraid so." Cherry nodded.

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