chapter 15

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The next day, Kovu and Lukio were going to tell their lovers why they were there at first. Lukio smiled as she slept with her family for the first time since she had gone missing. She then frowned a little as she woke up to see Kopa and she knew that she couldn't keep this hidden from him any longer. She had to tell him the truth about herself after she was found by and taken in by Zira. Lukio decided to tell him right away.

Kopa yawned and stretched. "Man, what a lovely dream I had..." he smiled goofily to himself.

Lukio giggled sheepishly as she had a good feeling about what he dreamed about and walked up to him. "Uh, Kopa? I need to talk to you about something..."

"What is it, Lukio?" Kopa asked.

"Um... Well... I..." Lukio sounded nervous. "The thing is... I..."

Kopa tilted his head.

Lukio took a deep breath. "Um, would anything ever make you stop loving me?"

"Never, I would love you no matter what." Kopa said.

"What if... I was different...?" Lukio asked.

"You are different," Kopa replied. "That's what I like about you."

"I mean what if I was really born in the Outlands?" Lukio asked.

Kopa looked curious. "But, you're not like those Outsiders like Kovu is to Kiara... You're the Jungle Emperor's daughter."

"Well, the thing is, I lost my memory and ended up in the Outlands," Lukio said. "Zira trained me with Kovu to do something terrible..."

"Let me guess, knowing her, it was to kill me and my father, right?" Kopa asked.

"Kopa, I'm so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you..." Lukio had guilty tears in her eyes now. "I love you!"

"I love you too," Kopa smiled as he nuzzled her. "And you don't have to follow her orders anymore."

Lukio smiled in gratitude as she nuzzled him back.

"We should tell Dad though." Kopa said.

Kiara came inside of the den.

"Kiara, where's Dad?" Kopa asked.

"Oh, he went to have a walk and talk with Kovu, I think he's finally warming up to him." Kiara smiled.

"Oh, no... Which way did they go?" Lukio asked.

"I think they're out in the Savanna." Kiara replied.

"We have to go and make sure that nothing bad happens to them." Lukio said.

"I agree, come on!" Kopa went with her.

Kiara looked curious, but slightly worried, though she was sure her brother could handle this.

"You really like this Lee boy, don't you, Estelle?" Atticus asked his daughter as she seemed to have her head in the clouds today.

"I really do." Estelle nodded.

"I see..." Atticus replied.

"Dad, you're not gonna freak out, are ya?" Estelle asked.

"I just want to know if I can trust him." Atticus said before they saw a wild Arcanine, looking like it was ready to attack.

"Where did you come from?!" Estelle panicked at the Fire Canine Pokemon.

The Aracnine snarled as it looked anything but friendly as it came close to the father and daughter.

"Get it, Dad!" Estelle called.

Akito and Estelle in Simba's PrideWhere stories live. Discover now