chapter 14

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"Whoa... Deep..." Felicity commented.

Meanwhile back at Pride Rock...

"Father, I am lost," Simba sighed as he started a prayer. "I already tried to accept the Jungle Emperor and his family, but Kovu is one of the Outsiders and Scar's heir. How can I accept him?"

"Simba?" Nala asked as she and Atticus came over.

"I was seeking counsel from the Great Kings." Simba replied.

"Did they help?" Atticus asked.

"Silent as stars," Simba sighed. "My father would never--"

"Simba, you don't have to be your father, besides, you we came here to tell you that Kovu isn't exactly Scar's son." Atticus said.

"Right." Nala agreed.

"What?" Simba sounded surprised. "How did you know that--"

"I can see them down there just as easily as you can," Nala chuckled. "Get to know them and see."

"Yeah, besides, Leo isn't that bad once you get to know him." Atticus smiled.

"Hmm..." Simba merely hummed.

"And neither is Lee..." Atticus then said quietly to himself.

The young cubs then all went to this space to look at the stars for the night and it was quite romantic since they were with their loved ones.

"See that? See that?" Kovu pointed to one part of stars. "Look at that! It's really pretty."

"What? Oh, yeah..." Kiara smiled as she took a look. "There's one that looks like baby rabbit. See the fluffy tail?"

"Yeah... Hey! There's one that looks like two lions killing each other for a scrap of meat!" Kovu chuckled violently.

That was a bit extreme to Kiara, but for Kovu, it didn't seem to be too extreme at all. Kopa and Lukio were doing the same thing.

"Ah, I've never done this." Kovu said.

"Really?" Kiara sounded surprised. "My father, Kopa, and I used to do this all the time. He says all the Great Kings from the Past are up there."

"My father told me that once too." Lukio smiled.

"You guys think Scar's up there?" Kovu wondered.

"Yes, he is, but he goes by a different name." Kopa said.

Kiara said nothing about Scar as did the others. Lee seemed to have his mind somewhere else and which was how to gain Atticus's trust. Estelle nuzzled up against Lee. Kovu seemed to have something on his mind too.

"I love your eyes in the moonlight." Vincent nuzzled against Jenny.

"Aw! Thank you, Vincent." Jenny smiled before she saw Kovu looking rather sad.

Vincent blushed under his fur.

"What's wrong?" Kiara asked.

"Nothing..." Kovu obviously lied.

"Kovu..." Kiara pried.

"Kovu, we have to tell them." Lukio said.

"We can't..." Kovu replied.

"Guys?" Kiara asked them.

Vincent soon looked over to Kovu as the Outsider lion looked rather sad. Jenny and Vincent frowned as they looked a little unhappy for him.

"He wasn't my father, but still... He was a part of me..." Kovu sighed sharply about Scar.

"He doesn't look much like Scar." Lukio whispered to Kopa.

Akito and Estelle in Simba's PrideOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora