chapter 17

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In the Pridelands, Simba was weakly walking to Pride Rock.

"Dad..." Kion looked worried, then turned to the hornbill. "Zazu, get help!"

"Oh, yes, help at once, of course!" Zazu flew away, following his wishes.

Kion, Kiara, Timon, and Pumba soon went to where they saw Simba along with the others.

"Father...?" Kiara frowned.

"Heyvi Kabasi..." Kion muttered in worry about their dad.

"Simba! Talk to me! What happened?" Timon cried out.

"Kovu... Ambush..." Simba weakly coughed.

"No, Simba; Kovu had nothing to do with the ambush." Lukio said.

Kiara didn't believe it either.

"It's all right, buddy, we're here for you." Timon comforted as he hugged Simba's tail.

Kopa decided to carry his father to Pride Rock.

"Thank you, Kopa..." Simba said weakly.

"Of course, Dad." Kopa nodded as he was strong enough to carry his father on his back.

"Wow, Kopa, you must have been training a lot while me and the others were away." Atticus smiled.

"Yeah, I wanna be just like you..." Kopa smiled back. "If only Ryan could see me now."

"Who's the big guy?" Pumbaa asked, referring to Arcanine.

"Uh, we'll tell ya later." Lee said as he came with Estelle of course.

"He's Lee's responsibility since he adopted him." Atticus explained.

"Yeah..." Lee agreed. "His name's Arcanine."

Estelle smiled since Lee was going to have his very own Pokemon. Hopefully this would mean she could take him on adventures with Ash, Emi, and the others in the near future.

Simba was made to rest in Pride Rock to keep up his strength and of course, Nala comforted her mate.

"What should we do?" Aviva asked.

"Just hope that Simba turns out okay, I hope he does..." Zoboomafu hoped as he was with the Kratts crew as always.

"Same here." The Kratt Brothers said in unison.

Zoboomafu came close to the Kratt Brothers as he had been close with them for a very long time.

Later on, Simba was waking up after regaining some of his strength.

"Daddy, it can't be true..." Kiara frowned as she stood with Kopa and Kion about Kovu harming their father.

"She's right, it can't be true." Koki said.

The others looked in the distance.

"It's Kovu," Fuli recognized. "What's he doing here?"

"That's Kovu." the giraffes said to each other.

"Look at that scar..." Ono commented.

"I can't believe he's here." Behste shook his head.

"That's Kovu?" Bunga replied in surprise.

"Yeah, that's Kovu." Mo said.

"I bet Zira gave him that scar." Akito said.

"Kovu!" Kiara smiled, but Simba cut in front of her.

"Dad, I don't think Kovu meant to hurt you..." Kopa frowned.

"Stay out of this, Kopa..." Simba firmly told his eldest cub.

"But, Dad--" Kopa started.

"Kopa." Simba glared.

Kopa frowned, feeling hurt, sad, and angry about his father's behavior.

"Why I oughta..." Timon glared to Kovu. "Let me at him! Let me at him! Here, hold me back." he then said to Pumbaa as he handed his tail to the warthog.

"Okay!" Pumbaa held his tail.

"Let me at him! Let me at him!" Timon then glared as he ran in place.

"Okay!" Pumbaa then let go of the meerkat's tail.

"I think you are missing the basic point here, Uncle Pumbaa." Bunga said.

"Uh..." Pumbaa felt lost.

"Thank you for trying, Bunga." Timon was glad at least someone got the point he was trying to make.

"Why have you come back?" Simba snarled to Kovu.

"Simba, I had nothing to do with--" Kovu tried.

"You don't belong here!" Simba glared.

"Please... I ask for your forgiveness." Kovu begged.

"Simba, maybe we should listen what he has to say." Atticus said.

"Silence!" Simba roared.

Mo, Cherry, and Forte gasped slightly.

"When you first came here, you asked for judgement and I pass it now..." Simba firmly told Kovu. "EXILE!"

"NO!" Kiara, Kopa, and Kion cried out.

"This is bad." Lee said.

Kovu was then forced to leave Pride Rock and the other animals glared to him. Kion and his Lion Guard however, seemed a little sad since Kiara was upset. Kopa and the others seemed like this was unfair. Kovu left the Pridelands and he didn't even dare go to his home in the Outlands since he was blamed for the death of Nuka.

"Simba, don't you think this has gone on far enough?" Cherry glared to Simba for his actions of exiling Kovu.

"I agree, exiling Kovu was low." Atticus said.

"You guys know what Scar was like..." Simba reminded them.

"Kovu wasn't even Scar's son!" Forte defended.

"Yeah!" Mo agreed. "Just because he was raised by Zira--"

"It doesn't matter," Simba glared back to them. "He's following in Scar's pawprints, Kovu used Kiara to get to me... Kovu is following Scar, and I am following my own father."

"You will never be Mufasa!" Kiara's voice cried out.

This surprised everyone and where Kopa didn't disagree with Kiara at all. Simba was stung in silence of his daughter's words. Kiara ran into the den and cried.

"I hope you're proud of yourself, Dad." Kopa firmly said to Simba with tears in his eyes before he then went to comfort Kiara the only way a big brother could.

"We'll be in the den if you need us." Lukio said as she decided to go inside the den as well.

"Simba, I can't believe you..." Cherry said before she icily walked away from the current lion king.

"I think we should go back to the Tortuga." Aviva said.

The others agreed to that.

"Any else in favor of comin'?" Jimmy Z invited.

"I'll come along." Vincent said.

Ninetails came to Vincent's side.

"You too if you want." Vincent gently pet his fox Pokemon.

"Yes, please." Ninetails said.

Vincent allowed him to while Jenny came to his side.

Akito and Estelle in Simba's PrideWhere stories live. Discover now