S1 • Couldn't be any prouder #7.0 •

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            | 8:08 am | New Blessing . . . .

Angie Stone ; No more rain (in this cloud)

Played throughout the house. The bass

rumbled through the walls as I could here the

vacuum cleaner going. Josh was still asleep

On the side of me as I rolled out of bed.


Josh eyes slowly opened as I kissed his cheek. He looked as if he was lost and confused.  He stretched and yawned. "GoodMorning" he said as the deepness of his voice vibrated through my ears slightly turning me on. "GoodMorning" I responded as he smiled at me. "I haven't slept this good in a while" he mumbled as he stood up stretching again as his man hood stood at attention. He tucked it away as he put his sweat pants on.

"Can't be showing you my good on the first night" he joked as I laughed walking over to him. "Goods that I've already seen" I said back walking into my closet as he followed. "True, but when you experience these good this time it'll be a different feeling" he mumbled tying the string on his sweats. "I'll be the judge of that" I said pulling a shirt down and pants getting dress as he stood there. "So I'm assuming my household is up, which means you're about to meet my parents and grandparents all within the same day and moment" I said as his eyes got big.

"They won't think anything, I'll do the talking and you just agree and keep it brief? Got it" I said standing by the door as he walked up to me. "What was that for?" I asked as he kissed me. "For being amazing" he said making me smile. "Silly" I said opening the room door to my mom vacuuming the hallway. "Rise and shine honey" she said looking at me than turning off the vacuum looking back up to josh. "Who's your friend?" She asked as he stepped in front of me going towards her. "I'm josh" he said shaking my mom hand. "I didn't see y'all come in, must've been to busy cleaning" she said as he looked at me.

"The house is finished, we move in Tuesday" she said as I flashed a quick smile. "That's great" I said "I'll be back" I said signaling josh to walk down stairs. We were in the clear as we made it to the front door. "Text me when you get home" I mumbled as I opened the door. "Wish I could kiss you" he said looking at me. I looked around as I pulled him back in kissing him. "Boys bold" he joked as my dad turned the corner. "Alright bro, don't be late !" He said playing it off as my dad walked up behind him. "How's it going sir" he greeted as my dad nodded his head.

"Be late for what?" My dad asked as he walked in the house. "We have a meeting before senior parent night" I said. "Oh okay, you heard the news about the house?" He asked as I nodded my head yes. "You can pack whenever, I know you're leaving for school within the next five months but we still have you here now" he said wrapping his arm around my neck. "True that" I said as it was a knock on the door. My dad opened it to the mailman standing there with a small box in his hand. "Yandel Edwards?" The mailman asked as my dad opened the door up to me.

"That's me?" I asked walking up to the door as he reached for his pin pad. "Sign here" he mumbled as I did so. "This is for you, enjoy your day sir" he nodded as he walked off heading back to his Mail truck. We didn't say anything as we both walked into the living room where my grandparents were now sitting.  My dad screamed out my mom name as she came walking down the stairs. I sat the box on the table as they all looked over to me. "We'll open it shit" my dad said as he handed me his pocket knife.

As the knife cut through the tape it all hit me, as the words Morehouse College appeared as I opened a small care package with gifts from the university. "Congratulations baby" my mom said hugging me with a kiss on the cheek. "Great leaders have emerged from Morehouse son, well horned black man at that, great leaders, well deserved and a swell accomplishment my boy. I'm proud" my grandpa said as he made his way over to me hugging me kissing my head. "Atlanta Georgia, can't believe I'm witnessing this my first born. My seed, a man" my dad said damn near tearing up as my mom rubbed his back.

"I love you boy, always know that okay" he said getting up walking up to me. "Always know pops love and accept you no matter what, you're my blessing, you're my blood, you're my nigga" he joked squeezing me. "This day is already starting off great, we should celebrate" my grandma said. "No, no, but thank you guys. Just let me think on it okay" I said walking off. I could feel myself killing the family vibe. My head started to itch as I walked up to my room. Just when I thought things were finally coming together this happen.

My phone was vibrating on my dresser as it was a message from Stevin.

[Congratulations babyboy, heard your care package was sent out. You should have it this morning. You deserve it. I'll be seeing you soon, the school president has arranged a meeting for future attending students, your tickets should be in the box" ]

The message stayed open as my read receipt appeared. I pulled everything out the box as I found three envelops, one with my acceptance letter, the second envelope held my three plane tickets, and the last one held my dinner invitation. I responded to his message saying thanks and a few other things. There was a tap on my door as it slowly opened to my mom walking in.

"You didn't seem too happy walking up? Is everything okay?" She asked as I nodded my head looking up at her. "Yandel I'm your mother, I know my son. Talk to me" she mumbled as she moved the envelopes to the side sitting next to me. "I'm fine mom" I lied smiling at her. She chuckled cuffing my hand, her thumb rubbed against the side of my arm. "Look at me" she said as our eyes locked. "As a parent you'll always won't what's best for your child" she mumbled as she rubbed my face.

"The sacrifices me and your father made were to protect you and your grandparents. I've missed sixteen years of your life and you've still managed to grow up just as strong as I dreamt everyday in prison. I prayed for you every night" she said as her eyes watered. "God answered my prayer the first time I laid eyes on you when you walked through that front door."I've asked him to let me see you through your eyes every night I rested". She said as she cuffed my hand tighter. "A mother knows her child, live through your truth, never fear what's not visible, never back down from what is in front of you" she said smiling at me.

"You'll always be here" she said pulling our hand to her chest. "Talk to him, he will understand" she mumbled as she got up walking towards the door. I sat there in aw as josh name flashed across my screen.

Phone call:
"Wassup?" Was the only word I could think of answering the phone. "Just was sitting here and couldn't stop thinking about last night" he mumbled as I heard the game in the back ground. "You playing the game?" I asked. "Yeah, over here killing these niggas in 2k" he mumbled as I heard them yelling in the background. "That's cool, I got my acceptance letter today. . . " I said as the phone got quite. "UofH right?" He asked sounding happy as I sighed. "MoreHouse" I sighed again. "Uooooo" he softly mumbled. "Damn yan . " he paused. "That's wassup" he said as I could hear the mood shift in his voice.

"Been sitting here in aw myself" I said. "About what?" He asked. "Us josh" I paused. "Things are just now coming along, I've waited so. ." He cut me off. "That doesn't matter yan, morehouse? That's bigger than anything we have right now. I'll feel bad, I wouldn't even ask you to stay here when I know you can accomplish so much for there. So don't think about us, this is time for you to shine baby" he said as I flopped back on my bed.

"Yan, we have another three months together,let's just enjoy that and whatever happens after happens. You know I'm a phone call away like I've always been. But imma get back to this game, stop worrying about us" he said laughing. "We good okay" he said as I sighed. "Okay?" He asked again. "Okay, I'll talk to you later" I said. "Alright baby" he said before hanging up the phone. 

Reaching for the tickets as I rushed down stairs to the all still sitting in the living room walking. I stood by the wall as my mom turned back. The living room got silent as she patted the seat next to her. "We were just talking about you" she said as I sat. "Before we get into that" I said as I sat the three tickets down. "Two extra flight tickets to morehouse, I have a dinner I must attend in three weeks" I said as they all looked at each other. "It's only right" my grandma said pushing the tickets towards my parents. "Don't argue just go" she mumbled as my mom grabbed her chest.

"Is this what you want?" She asked looking at me. "Of course ma" I said as she smiled hugging me again.

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