Chapter 39: Interrogation

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So, those Society Mages are FINALLY showing up to look into the odd magic they complained about so long ago, but what magic would that be? Who was using it, and will they find out that Nicholas can use Demon Magic? Nathanial seems to still have his anger management issues, let's just hope he can keep his temper when those Mages are poking about.


Nathanial groaned as he tried to work on his homework while cooking dinner. He just got a call from his father saying that the Society was sending those investigators over to ask about the 'unusual magic'. The police had just left five minutes before that, not entirely satisfied with his recording, but they were unable to find any other rational explanation. It was perfectly obvious that there wasn't a large pack of ferals on the property. Then, while the police were still poking around outside, he got a text from Geoff saying that Avery had just finished interviewing Jay and wanted to come over to interview him, next. He picked up his phone, he'd put off answering Geoff long enough.

"Hey, pup. Glad to hear your voice. You busy?" He could hear the dopey grin on Geoff's face.

Nathanial couldn't help but smile in response, "Not as glad as I am to hear yours. Fuck, what a day, and it's getting worse."

The grin audibly faded from Geoff's voice, "Why? What's wrong?"

Nathanial added the coconut milk to the curry he was making, put away his chemistry homework, and started his math homework, "Gods, what isn't? The paparazzi stalked Nick all the way home, sixteen bloody news crews, photographers, and general..." He growled, unable to continue, "Well, anyway, I got pissed and sent my pack out to drive them off."

"Holy sh... shoot. You didn't." Nathanial peeked through the phone and saw Conor, Avery, Dirk, and Faelen all staring at Geoff as they sat around the basement. Geoff and Faelen were working on their homework, the adults had been quietly chatting as they lounged on the couches.

"Yeah, they were careful not to get spotted, but the resulting car accidents and stuff made quite a mess. The police just left. Now the Society is coming over to ask about the odd magic they noticed while we were staying at your place."

"F-flipping crackers and, um, shining stars." Geoff was trying to be creative in his not-swearing. Nathanial couldn't help but smile. Conor smiled as he rolled his eyes, Avery was glaring at her son. Geoff stuck his tongue out at her, "I think some people want to hear what you're saying."

"I know, and I know that it isn't Faelen, he's close enough that he can hear me. But, I'm really busy, so I can't talk long. I just wanted to let your mom know that I'll call once the Society guys leave. I figure she doesn't want to be here when they are."

"You're watching us? That isn't fair, I want to look at you, too. Okay, Mom, the Society is sending some Mages to torment Nathanial, he'll let you know when they're gone." Avery nodded, but looked even more concerned. "You holding up okay?"

"Yeah, twenty-four." He finished chopping the peppers and started the next problem.

"Um. What?" Geoff's face scrunched up a bit as he tried to figure out what twenty-four had to do with anything.

Nathanial shook his head, "Oh, sorry. I'm cooking supper and doing my math homework, too. I wasn't joking when I said I was busy. I haven't stopped once today. I'm fine."

"You don't sound twenty-four. You sound more minus three, my little decimal place."

Nathanial laughed and groaned, Dirk was shaking his head. Conor chuckled and turned back to Avery, taking one of her paws in his as he leaned over to kiss her. She smiled and kissed him back, but kept an ear turned to Geoff. "I'll call back soon, I hope. I'll see you tomorrow morning, regardless. I want you ready to give me a whole lot of distracting, got it?"

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