Chapter 47: Can We Have Cake, Now?

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Nathanial sighed, *Fine. I don't want to have to repeat this a hundred times, though, not that I know much. We can't do anything for Lara, anyway, at least not right now.* He stopped channelling more Light energy. *Gods. What do I do with all of this extra energy? I'm already saturated with it.*

Zhaohui seemed confused, *What's wrong with that? But, if you need to get rid of it, for some reason, use it. Do... whatever you do with our energy.*

Nathanial opened his eyes as he pondered, shifting his awareness from Lara's brain to the yard, *While I think, why don't you come over here and talk to Liam? It sounds like you two have a lot of catching up to do.*

Zhaohui shook its head, *I'm busy. Life continues even on other planes; you mortals think you're the centre of existence, but we still have our own lives to deal with out here. It takes too much energy to just travel back and forth for the little time I have available.*

Liam frowned, *I do not believe Nathanial said you had nothing to do, he was extending a courteous invitation. But as an aside, I did not think it was hard for extra-planar beings to travel between planes, except for Demons, and that was due to the barriers placed by the Fey. I knew it was hard for Mages to travel between planes, it is one of the most difficult things they can learn.*

Zhaohui was incredulous, *It's extremely difficult, hmm, more draining than difficult, but still difficult. It takes a lot of energy to force your way through the planar barriers. The Fey didn't make the barriers, they just reinforce the ones between the hells and the worlds they inhabit. As the bond between Nathanial and I strengthens, it'll become easier to cross over, like building a path or road connecting us. It'll also allow me to draw more efficiently from him and those around him, but not as much as if I were there in person. Now, hurry up, I need to leave, soon.*

Nathanial was barely listening to them talk, and decided to try repairing the damage his fight with the Investigators caused. The car was going to be the hard part, it was too heavy for him to lift, and it was a mangled mess wrapped around a tree in the forest behind his house. He wasn't even sure he could fix it, since he didn't know much about cars. He decided he needed it out of the forest, regardless of what happened after, so he pulled it, bit by bit, from the tree. Once he got it into a single pile he opened a portal beneath it and dropped it onto the driveway. The crash made everyone jump, including Nathanial, "Um, sorry. I'm just cleaning up a bit." He frowned, tapping the side of his muzzle, and decided to fix the back wall, first. A gate would be nice, but was it necessary? Could he make one? Sure, but with what? He looked at the stones from the wall, a stone gate? Eh, why not? He hummed as he moved the stones into position, channelling bits of Dark energy to break them apart into the shapes he wanted and Light energy to meld them back together. He was really enjoying himself, making an arched doorway in the wall and an ornamental gate for it, as part of his mind started using Ella's repair spell to fix the broken patio furniture and the wooden screen that hid the pool area from the front of the house. Then, he dried out the swamp Lara made. The landscaping was going to need a lot of work, the repair spell Ella used was for inorganic material, not grass. Nathanial huffed in annoyance, but finished the gate, and attached it to the wall with smoothly polished stone hinges. He offset the hinges so he could balance the weight of the gates , allowing them to open smoothly. He chuckled, very pleased with himself. He could feel Liam's amusement, as well as Zhaohui's impatience. *I know, I'm hurrying. Just the car left.* He cast the repair spell, again, putting all of the remaining Light energy in him into it, and watched in amazement as the car rebuilt itself with tortured screams of metal and plastic. "How's my Chi, Sensei?"

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