Chapter 97: The Legacy Of Lily

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  The four friends are back in Nova Scotia and have spent their first full day back at school. Liam had checked in on Principal Davis and asked Geoff to deal with the meeting with the committees involved with the auction. Geoff had agreed, and after school the Spirits went to soccer practice while the other two went to kung fu. Now, it is Tuesday, the day Conor and Dirk return from Ireland with Alpha Luke and Den. 


 Geoff sat naked in his kitchen watching Faelen cook a late tea. They had just gotten back from their Tuesday kung fu practice, but Geoff's muscles were still twitching from pent up nervous energy. His grandfather, the alpha, was making a special trip all the way over here to check on him...and Nathanial.

He stood up quickly when the twitches became worse. "I'm going to mow the lawn."

Faelen didn't bother turning from the pot he was stirring. "Are you off your nut? There's no way in all the hells you're going outside alone. Go run on the treadmill or something."

Geoff growled and began pacing in the kitchen. "That'd work up too much of a sweat." He threw a few punches and then kicked toward the door to the dining room. "The lawn needs a bit of attention, and it'll be the last time it gets mowed till spring. We haven't had any trouble with Hunters in...oh..." He tried to remember the last time.

Faelen's accent came out heavier than normal as he sarcastically exclaimed, "Weeks? Aye right! 'Tis perfectly safe! Weeks! They must've forgotten the feckin' Dark Spirit lives here!"

Geoff stopped and stared at his best friend, shocked.

Faelen put the spoon down and leaned over the stove with a sigh. "Sorry, sir, that was uncalled for. I will accept whatever discipline you decide is necessary." He turned around and stood in a military rest stance.

"Stop it with the 'sir' already, Faelen." And then a brilliant idea struck him. "Fine. Here is your punishment." Geoff grinned when Faelen's eyes widened momentarily in surprise. "You have to tell me what's gotten you so worked up the last few days; all of it, and with full honesty."

Faelen growled and turned back to the pot. "It's none of your..." He trailed off and dug his claws into the edge of the stove. The muscles in his arms and back rippled for a second before the grey Wolf relaxed. "It's affecting my ability to serve you, isn't it? Fine. I'm worried. I'm worried about us, how we feel about each other. I'm worried about Liam -- his health, both physical and emotional. I'm worried about Nathanial the same way. I'm worried about Nicholas and what a mess that pup is. I'm...gods, Geoff! Do you need me to go through the whole list? I'm worried about everythingthat can come crashing down on your head! There are so many things that can go wrong that I can't do anything to protect you from! Like Bran. What do I do if he starts coming over and finds out about all of...this?" He waved his paw around to try to indicate everything. "I'd wager he already thinks that one of us is having sex with Nathanial -- probably you, which is why he seemed so jealous. How can I shut him up? Do I have to do what Uncle Ciaran did to Aunt Muireann? If I do, will that start a feud between Cardiff and Cork? If I don't, will that plunge the whole Hidden World into some sort of war? I-I just don't know what to do!"

Geoff walked over and wrapped his arms around Faelen, pulling the bulkier Wolf's back against his belly. Geoff rested his chin on Faelen's shoulder. "I know, Faelen. I don't need the whole list, and you probably know that those worries plague me, too. I absolutely forbid you from killing Bran, though."

Faelen chuckled weakly and rubbed one of Geoff's paws, but stiffened as his nose twitched. "Crap!" He grabbed the spoon and quickly stirred the pudding. "I don't think it burnt." He leaned over and sniffed the bubbling pot, to try to confirm it. His movement unknowingly pushed his rump against Geoff's sheath. Faelen's muscles suddenly tightened under Geoff's arms. "Let me go, Geoff. I'm pretty sure I caught the milk in time."

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