Chapter 22

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I awoke from the sound of a scream. Somebody was screaming, I sensed pain in the males voice. I checked my surroundings. I was still in the guest bedroom of my 'new' acquaintances house. The scream didn't sound like anyone of the people I met today. But it definitely sounded familiar.
I slid out of bed, the cold floor beneath my feet brought shivers down my spin. Goosebumps formed on my arms. Why is it so cold? I cupped my hands over my mouth, creating a human heater for my now blue fingers. The screaming continued. Louder and louder it got as I came closer to whoever it was that was screaming.
"Hello? Are you hurt? Where are you?"
There was no reply but just blood curing screams. I felt a twist in my insides. The screams were starting to get more familiar and familiar by the minute. "Hello!" I called.
"Jane!" The voice called. "Jane help me please!" The man screamed which then followed by a series of swear words.
"Hello? Who are you!"
A loud scream came, shaking the walls and breaking glasses through the house. I cupped my ears and dropped to my knees as the sound made my ears bleed.
"Jane, help me! Oh God please! Help me!" Nick.
"Nick!" I ran frantically around the house. I couldn't find him. "Oh God" I said under my breath. "Nick where are you!"
"Where you left me." A voice said behind me. I turned to find myself face to face with Nick. He was cut up, bruised. Blood smeared all over his face. His wrist, they were split open. He held a gun. Holding it tight. Then brought it up to his temple.
"Nick! Stop!"
"You left me...I can't live without you."
"Nick stop" as I came closer he jolted back. His eyes red and puffy, as if he had been crying all night. The sliced wrist were beginning to heal. But for all I knew. Silver was in those bullets. His finger on the trigger.
"I thought you loved me.."
He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger........

"Emma! Emma, wake up!" Christina was beside my bed. Shaking me awake. "Hey it's just a dream. Calm down."
It was morning. It had all been a dream. But it felt so real. I've never had a dream like that before. I'm scared for Nick. I'm scared that what happened in my dream is real.
Christina sat worried at the end of my bed. "You gave me a spook Emma. Heard you screaming, thought there was an intruder."
Sighing. "I'm really sorry, Christina." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Just not in the right headspace at the moment. Did anyone--"
"No one else heard. Everyone is pretty heavy sleepers. But me? I was already awake. Besides my room is right next door." She paused. "Did you want to talk about it? The dream?"
I kicked the blankets off, and sat up straight. "There was this guy.."
I got defensive. "How did you know his name?"
Christina smiled. "You were screaming that name. I only assumed."
"It's worried about him. I can't seem to get him out of my mind. You know?"
Christina lowered her eyes and smiled. "I know the feeling well. He was your?"
"I don't know what he was. Boyfriend, friend, enemy...but we were connected in a way that you wouldn't understand."
"You loved him." Her words hung in the air for several seconds before she continued. "What happened? Did you guys break up or ah become enemies?" She chucked awkwardly.
"He didnt really love only one person.."
"He cheated."
"Well no, yes, agh. I'm not even sure. Let's just say, when he told me he loved her as well as loving hurt."
Christina pouted. "Im sorry Emma. But hey, Petersburg has heaps of hot guys you can get your hand on. With a body like your and a face as pretty..any guy would fall for you in no time."
I smiled at her way of trying to look at the positive side. "Thank you Christina. What time is it?"
"Ah it's 7:30, why?"
"I probably should go."
Frowning. "Why?"
"I couldn't possibly just crash here every night."
"No, no stay as long as you need."
"Really?" I asked.
"Totally. I'm making breakfast in one hour. You aren't vegetarian are you?"
I laughed at her statement. It was highly unlikely that a werewolf was a vegetarian. Wolves love meat. Meat is good.
"No, I am not." I said smiling.
"Good, I cook up sausages and all the meat you can think of. The boys like to have a heavy breakfast. Then they go surfing. You should tag along with them."

After breakfast which filled me up to the outmost extent. The boys went out surfing. Since I didn't have anything better to do. I tagged along.
Eric was already in the water. It was different here at Petersburg. The weather was always perfect. The sun drying up the mornings dew. Rays of sun kissed my bare shoulders. I squished my toes into the sand.
"Never been to a beach?" Miles came up beside me. Putting sunblock along his arms.
"No, I've been to a beach before. Just not like this."
Miles smiled. "No beach can match Ends Beach. People come from all over just to surf these waves. Have you surfed before?"
I was surprised at how much Miles spoke to me. "No."
He smiled. "Well, I guess I have to teach you huh?"

We placed our surf boards down.
"It's simple really. Just a lot of balance and coordination. Timing comes in as well. Place you feet like this, and keep your hips like this." He placed his cool hands on my sides. He chest was too close to my back.
"Jane.."  Nicks voice whispered in my ear, i jolted. Moving away from Miles.
"Hey, it's okay-"
"Sorry, it's just.."
"I wasn't trying anything I promise."
Miles looked up at the sky awkwardly.
"You get the drift right? Surfing?"
"Yeah--" he picked up his board and paddled his way towards the waves.
Why did I hear Nick? It felt like he was standing right behind me. It has to be the bond.

I laid flat on my board, floating on the calm water. Sea gals circling the docks. Eric and Miles were chatting somewhere behind me.
I heard muffle yelling. I ignored it.
"Emma!" I turned my head to see Eric and Miles calling for me, signalling me something that was behind me.
I looked behind. A massive wave was coming my way. There was no time to get away. It was coming fast and strong. I held my breath and the wave crushed on top of me. I swirled around frantically in the water, and as I reached the surface another wave crashed down.

"Jane..." I swirled around. Still holding my breath. "You left me."
Nick was beside me, his face cut. A hole on the side of his head. His eyes rolled back. I screamed.
Water entered my mouth and I began to suffocate.
"Jane!" Blood was filling the water around me. I tried to swim up and I felt like something was holding me down.
I gathered all the strength and pain I could get. I half shifted in the water.
I kicked furiously up the the surface of the water. As my head broke through the surface of the water. I howled viciously. I looked around and I couldn't see anyone. Red and blue lights beeping and a single white light was searching the water. I shifted back.
It was dusk. The sun was beginning to go down. "What the hell?"
"Hello!" I heard a males voice say on a microphone. "Everything going to be okay!"

I swan back to land. There was police cars and people gathered around.
Christina and Lilly ran up to me.
"Omg Emma!" Christina hugged me and wrapped a blanket around me. "Are you okay! Bloody hell! What happened to you! Where were you?"
A policeman came up to me, he directed me towards a ambulance.
"Are you okay? Do you feel dizzy or feel any pain?" The emergency attendant said.
I spotted Miles. He sat on the sand. His head in this hands. Eric was comforting him.
What the hell happened?
Christina appears. "They said we can go. Are you sure you aren't in any pain?"
"What happened?" I asked.
Christina frowned as the words I have said didn't make sense at all. "You were under the water for hours! Eric said that he saw you go under the waves and never reached the surface. Don't you remember?"
I was under the water for hours? It felt like minutes. How didn't I die!
"Come on, lets get you home."
I looked at Miles.
"He's pretty shaken up. He hasn't said a word since the police arrived."

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