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"Here's your coffee, have a nice day!" I exclaimed, passing a coffee to a middle aged woman.

She just grunted, before snatching the coffee and leaving the store. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. How could one be so rude? Sighing, I turned to the counter and served the next customer. I wrote her order and name down before passing it off to the barista. Before you even ask, no. I don't work for Starbucks. I had a part time job for a bakery called 'Maces Cakes'. Even though we were a bakery, most people who came in ordered hot drinks.

Most of the time I was situated in the kitchen, as I consider myself socially awkward. However, today Maces daughter, Sabrina, was sick with a cold and I was forced into being on the front counter. I missed my set up out back, protected by my wall of anti-socialness.

"uh, hello?"

I was pushed out of thought and realised the same person was still standing in front of me.

"oh sorry," I smiled awkwardly.

I quickly got a cupcake from the display cupboard and a large hot chocolate, passing it to the woman.

"that'll be $8.50," I exclaimed.

The woman passed me the money, before mumbling something and stomping off. 

"you forgot your foo- you know what, never mind." I snickered, placing the food under the counter. You know, just in case she comes back.

I dusted my hands, before going back to the customers.

"hello, how may I help you today?" I asked, looking down at my paper.

"can I please order a birthday cake?"

I finally looked up and saw a lanky, tall man. He had a brown hair, with a fringe pointing to the left. His torso wore a black shirt and by the looks of it, a pair of black skinny jeans enclosed his legs.

"have you decided on a design, or would you like to take a look at the design book?" I questioned.

"I was hoping that I could personally design one?" he replied, playing with the fringe of his shirt.

"sure, if you wait about 10 minutes, I'll be able to come over and we can design a cake."

"sounds good, can I possibly get a cup of tea while I wait?" He asked.


I quickly went out back and made his cup of tea, before giving it to him.


"so you want a plant shaped chocolate cake, with the sentence 'HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY PHIL' written on the plant pot" I reassured.

"yes and could I please pick it up on Saturday morning?" the man asked.

"is 10am good?" I questioned


"is the cake for your boyfriend?" I suddenly asked.

The guy did a spit take, his tea spilling all over the floor.

"oh shit, sorry!" he exclaimed. "and no, he isn't my boyfriend. He's my best friend."

"crap, sorry! I just assumed because yo-"

"It's all good," he laughed, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.

A ding went off and he looked down at his phone, which showed a text message.

"sorry, I've got to go. Do I pay now or later?" he asked, grapping his phone and standing up.

I quickly stood up, before saying, "later will be good."

"great," he smiled, tucking his chair in. He stuck his hand out before saying, "thank you...."

"Pandora," I filled in. I then took his hand and gave it a quick shake. "It was a pleasure working with you...."

"Dan, Dan Howell."

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