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"Night," Dan smiled.

"Night." I replied, quickly giving him a hug. "Tell Phil I say night."

"Will do."

And with that, he turned and walked out of the door, leaving me with my thoughts. I felt slightly bad staying the night, as if I was intruding, but Phil offered and Dan quickly agreed. I sat on the edge of the brown sofa-bed, staring at the sheets. They were plain black sheets,no patterns, just an endless void of darkness.

A bit like my soul.

Laughing slightly at my joke, I pulled the covers back. Slipping into the space, before pulling the duvet up to my armpits, reaching over and picking my phone up. I tugged the phone towards me, taking it off its charger. The cable wasn't long enough anyway. I opened up the YouTube and search up DanAndPhilGAMES. Plenty of videos showed up, including two channels. I clicked on the first channel, which took me to a gaming page. Wanting to know more, I scrolled through the videos until a certain one caught my eye. I quickly clicked on it, ready to enjoy the show.


"Do you think she's awake?"

"I don't know!"

"Maybe I should poke her?"


Shuffling between my blankets, I slowly opened one eye. Staring down at me we're two tall men. The brown haired one looked at me with a slight smirk on his face, while the raven haired looked slightly bored.

I wasn't going to lie, Phil was two completely different people. Or, he was to me anyway.

"Morning!" Dan happily replied.

"Morning Mr. Howell," I cheekily responded.

Sitting up, I brushed my hands through my blonde hair. The covers pooled around my waist, leaving my torso exposed.

"So, how was your sleep?" Dan asked, sitting on the end of the sofa bed.

"I'm going to make breakfast." Phil stated, before turning and walking out the door.

"I don't understand why he hates me so much," I frowned.

"Yeah, me either." Dan replied, his eyebrows drawing together.

A steady silence filled the room. We both star d at the door, almost willing something to happen.


"Hm?" Dan asked, turning his attention to me.

"My sleep, it was good."

"Oh, that's great." Dan happily responded. "What do you want to do today?"

"Would you maybe want to walk around London with me?" I gently asked, rubbing my hands down my arms.

"I would love too." Dan smiled, before studying me slightly.

"I'd need to go back home to get ready," I stated.

"You can just use some of my stuff." Dan shrugged, "my cousin left some of her stuff here."

"Okay thanks."


"Phil, we're going out." Dan called.

I watched as he put his phone into his front pocket. An iPhone 8, fancy. I studied my iPhone 7, before putting it in the pocket of Dans tack suit pants. It turned out that she only left a pair of jeans, about 4 sizes to small for me. So, dan gave me a pair of his old trackies, his black shirt with the white stars and a random hoodie. I put my black converses back on and styled my hair into a messy bun.

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