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"Dan!" I smiled, making my way over to him.

When he saw me, he quickly stood up and stretched his arms out. I happily walked into them, embracing him a hug. We stood like that for a few seconds, before breaking apart. He was wearing his black eclipse shirt and jeans. Causal like usual.

"Looking great today!" Dan smiled, looking down at my outfit.

I was wearing a simple MCR shirt and jeans, matching it with black converses. My long red hair was in a messy bun, sighing atop of my head. Also causal. Replying with a thank you, I looked around the table. I spotted Rose, Rosie, Jack and Dean, Pj, Chris, Felix, some people I didn't know, and Phil. Oh, yay. Dan pulled out a chair for me, which I happily sat in.

"So, how was your girls night?" Dan asked, sitting down and pulling his chair in.

"Good, thank you! I feel like I really reconnected with Sabrina." I smiled, resting my elbows on the table.

"That's great," Dan muttered. "Are you still staying over tonight?"

"Uhhhh," my gaze moved to Phil, who was already looking at me. "I guess."

Dan happily nodded, patting me on the back, before turning to Phil. They seems to get into conversation, so I turned to Rosie.

"Hey Rosie!"

Rosie was wearing a nice red dress, her blonde hair hanging above her shoulders. The girl next to her seems causal, her brown hair left to flow around her.

"Hey Pandora!"

"How's it hanging Rose?" I asked Rose, smiling happily.

"Good thanks, you?" She replied.

I instantly fell into conversation with them, almost forgetting about Dan.


"And I'll have the all day breakfast please," I ordered.

The middle aged man wrote the order down in his thinning notepad, before taking the menu out of my hands.

"Is that all today?" He asked, staring across the table.

Once everyone had shook their heads, the man left the table.

"Really Pandora? The all day breakfast?" Dan questioned, laughing quietly.

"Don't judge me Howell," I laughed.

Phil let out a small, forced, laugh. It may have been the fakest thing I'd ever heard, but he was trying.

"How is your drink Phil?" I asked, pointing my stare towards him.

"Uh, good." He shrugged, looking at the drink and then looking back at me. "Thank you."

"All good," I babbled.

This may be the most awkward encounter I had ever had. Darting my gaze to the table, I quickly started conversation with Dean. He was sat staring at his napkin, as Jack talked along with PJ.

"Hey Dean," I began. "I still haven't gotten your number."

"Oh yeah! Here, I'll give it to you now."

While he reached into his bag in search of his phone, I felt someone bump my knee. I turned my attention to Dan, who was already looking at me. Slowly, he leaned into me.

"Trying to get out of an awkward conversation much?" He whispered.

"How'd you know? I joked, bumping his elbow. "I didn't think it was that obvious."

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