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< Three months later >

"Dan, you're hurting me!" I screeched.

I lay with my back on the floor, my hands both placed above my head. Dan smirked, looming above me. He had a leg on each side of my waist, straddling me.

"That's what you get!" He laughed, tickling me even more.

I was laughing so much that tears ran down the side of my face. Tracing a pattern on my cheek, before hitting the carpet.

"You're such a sore loser!" I protested, trying to wiggle myself out of his grip.

Dan went to reply, but the sound of the front door opening interrupted him. Light and even foot steps made their way closer to us, before suddenly stopping.

"Hey Phil!" Dan smiled, acting as if I wasn't here.

"Uh, hi." He muttered, turning his attention to me.

He studied my features, his face still a blank canvas.

"How was your day?" I asked, attempting to make conversation.


Not even giving me a chance to reply, he hastily left the room. Yep. My situation with Phil hadn't improved at all. If anything, it only got worse.

Sighing, I looked back up at Dan. He was staring at the door Phil had just exited from, a look of confusion and anger on his face. I noticed his grip on me had loosened, so I took the opportunity. Pushing dan off me, I scurried into a sitting position. Dan looked my way, smiling slightly. He seemed distant, deep in thought.


Dan was once again cut off, but is time from my phone. I quickly walked over to the couch and picked up my phone, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked gently.

"Hey Pandora," Sabrina. "I was wondering if we could have a girls night tonight? We've been a bit distant lately."

"Of course we can," I replied sadly. "I'll stop at the shops, be there in 20."

"Okay, see you soon."

I then hung up my phone, locked it and put it in my back pocket.

"Sorry Dan, I gotta run."

Dan frowned, doing a puppy dog face.

"Do you have to leave? Can't you stay, please?" He asked, dragging the e out.

"Sorry Daniel, girlfriend calls."

"Wow, I didn't know you were gay," he replied.

Chuckling, I hit his shoulder.

"Well now you do," I replied.

I then winked and headed toward the door.

"I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay, bye."


sighing, I closed the door. I can't help but feel like Pandora left because of Phil. I mean, I would too. I don't know why he's being such a brat to her, he said he'd try. I frowned, before stumping into the kitchen.


Phil practically jumped out of his skin, almost dropping my box of cereal.  I'm not even going to get started on that.



Phil only frowned, looking down at my cereal.

"You said you'd try," I muttered, calming down slightly.

"I'm sorry." I heard Phil mumble.

I watched as he put the box away in the cupboard, before making his way over to me.

"Us three can hang out and watch a movie now," Phil shrugged, looking down at the ground.

He knew he had done wrong.

"Well, to little to late. She's gone." I muttered, also looking down.


I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. Looking up, I made eye contact with Phil.

"I don't know why you hate her so much," I mumbled. "You're usually so nice?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know why either." He muttered, "the three of us can hang tomorrow?"

"Something tells me she won't want to come," I replied. Frustrated, I sat down. Phil watched as I ran a hand through my brown hair.

"Oh, maybe after the dinner on Friday we can all catch a movie?" Phil suggested.

"Okay, I'll ask."

I smiled gently, standing up and walking towards the door. Just before opening, the door, I turned to Phil.

"Please don't mess this up, she means a lot to me."

And with that, I left the room.

Free || Phil Lester जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें