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2 weeks later

"Come on Pandora, you promised you'd comeeee."

"Sabrina, I don't want to third wheel with you and your boyfriend!" I replied, pushing the hair out of my face.

"Come on! It'll be great, I promiseeee." Sabrina dragged out, placing her hands on my shoulders. "You need to come outside into the real world."

I gasped, "the real world! But, it's like dangerous out there!"

She let out a soft laugh, "please. For me?"

Sighing, I turned back to her. "Fine."

Sabrina jumped up and down a little, her blonde hair bouncing in her ponytail.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She celebrated, doing a little dance.

I turned and rolled my eyes, before starting to make my way out of the room.

"If there's any making out then I'm leaving." I yelled back, "and I won't be dressing up."


"I'm so excited for you to meet my boyfriend! He's super cute and I know you two will bond." Sabrina smiled, leading the way to the restaurant. "All his friends are here too! It's like a gathering meal."

"Wow," I mumbled. "That's a lot of people."

"Which is perfect," she added. "You need to socialise more."

"I have you and my cat, who else to I need?" I joke, looking down at my phone.

"Actual people, you can't get married to mud." Sabrina laughed, "pretty sure it's illegal."

I just laugh, placing my phone into my back pocket.

She has a point.

I felt slightly underdressed standing next to Sabrina. Her long blond hair was plaited across her head- something I'm sure she got from Zoe. She wore a simple pink dress that ended right below her knees and she complemented it with pink pumps. I, on the other hand, was wearing my Panic! At The Disco shirt, a pair of jeans and black converses. My long red hair was just pulled back into a high ponytail, as I couldn't find the motivation to do anything fancy.

Sabrina pulled me out tonight to meet her boyfriend, who's name I still don't know. They've been dating for a few weeks now and I can tell she's absolutely crazy about him. If you're wondering, Sabrina and I are best friends and are currently living together. This somewhat explains how I got my job at 'Maces Bakery'.

"You ready to go in?" Sabrina asked, placing her hand on the door.

Without waiting for my answer, she pushed the door open and the familiar thing of a bell sounded. Sabrina seemed like she knew what she was doing, as she headed towards a rectangular table. I scurried behind her with my head down and almost ran into her as she stopped.

"Sabrina!" I heard multiple voices cheer.

I heard the sound of a chair being pulled out and finally decided to look up. Standing in front of my best friend was a tall curly haired man. He smiled down at Sabrina, giving her a quick kiss before diverting his attention to me.

"Ahhh, you must be this 'best friend' I've been hearing about." He smiled gently, "my names Pj."

"Pandora." I replied shyly, sticking my hand out.

Pj unexpectedly pulled me into a hug. I stood in shock for a few seconds, before hugging back. When we broke apart, pj waved his hand at the table.

"Feel free to take a seat."

Sabrina quickly took the seat next to him, leaving me to find my own way.

Sitting around the table were 8 other people- not including Pj and Sabrina. 6 of these people were men and 2 were women. I noticed a seat sat next to a blonde girl and I quickly blobbed myself down.

"Hi! My names Rosie!" The girl smiled, sticking her hand out.

"Pandora." I replied, taking her hand and giving it a firm shake.

We plunged into a conversation about nothing in particular, until someone cleared their throat slightly.

"Oh sorry, how rude of me! I'll introduce you." Rosie announced.

"Everyone, this is Pandora." Rosie yelled slightly, turning everyone's attention towards us.

I couldn't help but notice one of the guys. His brown fringe somehow reminded me of someone. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Pandora this is Jack, Dean, Chris, Felix, Mariza, Dan and Phil."

Dan. Dan? DAN!

That's it! I made a cake for his friend Phil once, that's how I recognised him.

"Uh, great to meet you all." I waved awkwardly, causing everyone to laugh.

They all greeted me, before falling back into their conversations.

I fell into conversation with Jack and Dean and we talked about shitty movies. After 20 minutes, I diverted my attention to Dan and Phil.

"Hey guys!" I smiled.

I don't know where any of this self confidence came from.



"Didn't I make a cake for you once? A few weeks back?" I question, trying to make conversation.

"Oh yeah! Pandora right?" Dan asked, clicking his fingers.

"No." I pretended to get offended, "I'm her cousin, Sandora."

The look on his face was priceless and he just sat in shock. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Omfg, you should've seen you're face." I laughed, slamming my first on the table.

Phil quickly joined, almost gasping for air. After a few seconds Dan joined and suddenly we were the three weird people laughing at the end of the table.

"What happened?" Felix asked.



"Come on Pandora, we gotta go." Sabrina laughed, standing up.

"Bye guys." I smiled, dusting my hands off slightly.

I felt someone's hand wrap around my wrist and I looked down to see Dan.

"Wait," he whispered. "Are you working this week?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Everyday."

His face seemed to brighten up slightly.

"Great," he smiled. "I'll see you later."

"Until then" I smiled, following Sabrina out the door.

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