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"Yeah, Pandora. She's our best friend!" Dan smiled, searching the chat comments.

Once again, Pandora found herself watching a YouNow. However, this time it was Dan's and not Phil's. she kept her eyes on Dans face, not wanting to see the comments.

"I saw some of the comments on the videos we did with her and in all honesty I'm disgusted."

Dan shook his head, disgust and disappointment clear on his face. Pandora felt confused, this was so out of Dans character? Sure, he's been protective over Phil, but not directly to his fans?

"She hasn't done anything wrong and you're treating her like shit. If you were really a fan or Phil and I, you wouldn't be so crude."

Pandora was extremely taken aback, she was expecting that.

"If you said something nasty about her, then I don't think you deserve the Phandom. I can't speak for Phil, but I want you to unsubscribe from danisnotonfire immediately."

Suddenly, Phil popped his head around the door. He walked into the room, before standing next to dan.

"Same for me," he nodded.

"We are extremely disappointed in you ac-"

Before she knew it, Pandora had gotten up and ran from her room. After running up some stairs and through some corridors, she found herself in Dan's room. Both Dan and Phil saw her in the view finder and turned to her. She was huffing as she stood in the door, before running forward and embracing them both in a hug.

They immediately hugged back, wrapping their arms around each other.

"Thank you." She whispered, pulling them closer.

They hugged for what felt like hours, before Pandora pulled away. She suddenly remembered that the live stream was on and sheepishly said 'hello' to the camera. The chat blew up, but she couldn't see any of the words. She pushed her glasses up slightly, cleaning her face of tears, before pushing her glasses up with her index finger.

"Do you want to be in the live show with us?" Dan asked, smiling into the camera.

In all honesty, Pandora didn't want to. She got enough hate in an edited video, what would happen in a livestream? What if she messed up? What if she ruined Dan and Phils channels?

"Uh, maybe another time?" She shrugged, trying to get out of the idea.

Dan and Phil looked at each other, silently having a conversation with each other. Suddenly, they both nodded. Before she knew it, Phil had gone behind her and lifted her up, while Dan took her feet. They dragged her struggling body over to the laptop, before setting her on the chair. Phil stayed behind her, holding her shoulders down. Dan laughed, before standing next to Phil.

"You've been napped Pandora," he stated.

"10 minutes, then I'm out of here." Pandora signed, giving in.

Surely it couldn't be that bad?

"Guys, ask Pandi some questions!" Phil smiled, pointing down.

Within seconds the chat was flooded, hundreds of questions running through. Dan started scrolling through them, before reading one out.

"What's your middle name?"

Pandora scrubbed her face up, confusion clear.

"What a... odd.. question." She laughed slightly, "well my full name is Pandorium Ashley Michaels."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Pandorium?" Dan asked, holding his hand up.

"I thought your name was Pandora?" Phil added, shaking his head.

They weren't at all angry, more so confused. They kept letting out slight laughs, before covering their mouths.

"Pandora is the shorter version," she shrugged. "Frayedphan asks, do you ship Phan? Well, I the simple answer is yes, yes I do. The longer answer is yeessssssssssss."

Both Dan and Phil laughed, before Phil reading a question aloud.

"Where are you from?"

"Originally I'm from Melbourne. But, I've been living in Essex for the last 10 years." She explained, using her hands to talk.

"Oh yeah! We're going up to Essex in about a week and a half." Phil nodded.

"We're going to prove to her mum that we aren't rapists," Dan added. "That's our life's at the moment."

Pandora and Phil burst out laughing, leaning on each other for support.

"Life goals 2K17," Pandora giggled.

Once the three of them calmed down, Dan read another question.

"What brings you to London?"

"I was doing a degree at London University." Pandora nodded.

"What -laugh- degree?" Dan asked.

"Oh, a degree in Film and TV." Pandora laughed, face palming.

"Why are you living with Dan and Phil?" Phil asked.

"Yeah Pan, why are you here?" Dan sassily asked.

Pandora laughed, "my apartment got torn down and these guys offered me a room." She pointed at the two men. "And I took the offer up."

"Good choice?" Phil asked, leaning into her again.

"Good choice."

They continued to ask and answer questions, sharing small story's along the way.

"Okay, that's my 10 minutes definitely up." She laughed, standing up. "It was a pleasure talking to you guys."

She waved to the camera, before turning away. At the last second Dan took her hand.

"Do you have to go?" He asked, pulling a puppy face.

"It's your liveshow, not mine." She smiled.

"That's true, I better be going too." Phil smiled, standing up.

Both Pandora and Phil waved goodbye, before leaving the room. Dan was left alone in the room, frowning.

"Okay, goodbye then." Dan laughed, "Pokémon? Sapphire asks."


"I just booked the train tickets to Essex," Phil smiled. "They'll be here in a few days."

"How long is the ride?" Dan asked, scrolling through Tumblr.

"About 50 minutes," Pandora replied.

She was sat next to Dan, looking at his Tumblr feed.

"Shorter than your 3 and a half hour ride in 2009." Phil laughed, sitting down next to Pandora.

She let out a short whistle, "that's a long ride."

"It really is," Dan laughed. "Worth it, though."

After that, they sat in a comfortable silence. Breaking Bad was playing on the TV, won only Phil and Pandora paying attention. Dan had his focus set on his laptop, his tumblr feed being his whole life. Well, apart from Phil.

It was only a week until the three of them left for Essex. They were staying for eight days, then returning to London. Luckily, Pandoras course finished in May, so she didn't have to think about that. In all honesty, she felt guilty. Guilty for dragging the two men across the country. She had expressed her concern, however they quickly denied it. Saying that they wanted to go and she had nothing to feel guilty about. Still.

"Oh and dan," Pandora said.

When Dan was looking at her, she continued.

"Don't leave your packing to the last minute again."

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