Chapter 2

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Chloe's chemical mix started to smoke and overflow. Adrien saw an explosion coming, "Everybody get down!" He yelled. He grabbed Marinette's arm and pulled her into his chest. He squatted down with her in his arms. He was facing the chemicals so that Marinette's back would be to it. He hid his face in her shoulder and held her head down. After a few seconds there was a huge boom and smoke filled the room. The chemical mix had exploded as Adrien predicted.

"A-are you alright..?" Adrien asked, pulling away from Marinette slightly.

"Y-yeah..." Marinette answered as she started coughing.

"Everyone out!" Mrs Mendeleiev yelled, opening all the doors and windows to air out the smoke. There was a smile fire at the table but she had already threw a fire blanket over it to put it out. Chloé was on the floor, the blast knocked her out. Kim picked her up.
Adrien stood up, pulling Marinette up with him, "let's h-hurry" he coughed and ran out of the room, holding her hand. He didn't stop running until they were outside. The rest of the class was hurrying out as well.

When they stopped, Marinette took off her lab googles and looked up at Adrien. "Thank you..." She was blushing.

Adrien smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry about it."

Marinette's eyes widened slightly, her blush gone, "Adrien you're bleeding!" She reached up and stroked his forehead, right under a small cut. He had gotten cut by a fragment of the flask that had exploded.

Adrien reached up and touched the cut, "It's small, I'll be fine." He kept smiling.

Marinette smiled and pulled her hand away, "You're very brave."

Adrien was now the one blushing, "Not really."

Marinette giggled, "And modest."

Adrien smiled, still blushing. Their friendship was blooming into a romance and neither of them realized it.

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