Chapter 15

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Adrien told Nathalie, his dad's secretary, that he wanted to stay in his room for the rest of the night and not to disturb him until morning. She followed his orders, not even getting him for dinner. It was a good thing too, because some trouble had been stirring up near the bakery. He got a Ladyblog alert on his phone. An akuma victim had taken Marinette hostage and Ladybug was nowhere to be seen.

"I have to go help her!" Adrien stood up before going to his window, pushing it open, "Plagg! Claws out!"

He transformed into Chat Noir before quickly leaving out his bedroom window, heading towards Marinette's bakery.

When he arrived, he immediately recognized the victim, "Chloé!"

Chloé was on Marinette's rooftop. Her hair was now black and her clothes were light pink and black. She had Marinette tied to the guard rail around the rooftop, some pink tape over her mouth.

"The kitty cat showed up! Took him long enough!" Chloé smirked at him.

"Chloé, let her go.." Chat Noir pleaded, walking closer.

Chloé pretended to think about it, "Hmm... No!" She glared at him, "I want Adrien! Bring him here and I'll talk to him about it! You and Ladybug stay out of it!"

He smiled a bit, "I can do that! I'll go get Adrien! And I'll tell Ladybug to keep her distance." He left the rooftop and hid around the corner from the bakery. He tried calling Ladybug but got no answer. He sighed and just transformed back to Adrien. He knew he had to handle this alone.

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