Chapter 11

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Marinette had just successfully beaten Adrian at another round of the game as her parents entered the room.

"Marinette? You didn't say anything about having a guest over today?" Her mom smiled at she walked over.

"It was sorta last minute.." Marinette chuckled nervously, "You remember Adrien, right?"

Her mother nodded and Adrien stood up to greet her and her husband properly, "Nice to see you again, Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng. I walked Marinette home from school today and she offered to let me come inside. I wasn't going to stay this long but we got caught up in this silly game. I hope I haven't intruded." He spoke with a smile. His father had trained him on proper etiquette when speaking to adults.

Her dad smiled and pat his back, "Call us Tom and Sabine. You're both good kids. You're welcome back here any time."

Adrien nodded with a smile, "I'm glad to hear that. I'll probably be around a lot more often. Because today I asked your daughter to be my girlfriend."

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