Chapter 14

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Adrien walked back to his house slowly, taking the long way. He was half way back when his body guard, the gorilla, found him. He groaned and got in the car. He didn't want to go home yet but now he had to.

He entered his mansion to see his father waiting for him at the top of the steps, "Adrien! Where were you this time?"

Adrien shrugged, starting to walk to his bedroom, "I was just out.. No big deal. It's not like I had anything better to do."

"You went to lunch with your friends yesterday even though you were instructed to come straight home, and now you're coming home from school hours late?!" His father shouted, furious.

Adrien nodded, "Yup, that sounds about right. I have a life dad! I have friends!"

He usually didn't stand up for himself, but he knew he had to now. His relationship with Marinette was on the line. He needed more freedom if he ever wanted to go on a real date with her.

His father grabbed his arm as he was trying to walk past him, "You have only what I'll allow you to have! I've given you everything you could ever dream of!"

Adrien pulled away, shaking his head, "I don't care if I have the newest model of iPhone, dad! I don't care about all these material things! I want to have friends, and to be able to go out with those friends! That's something you can't give me! But you can give me a little freedom so I can go get it for myself!" He ran off to his room, tired of arguing.

He locked his bedroom door before flopping down on his bed, groaning into his pillow.

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