Chapter 4

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The four friends ventured over to the café around the block. They goofed around the entire way there, only calming down when they entered the quiet building. They each ordered their lunch before going to an outdoor table to eat.

Marinette couldn't keep her eyes off the small cut on Adrien's forehead. "I really wish I had a bandage..." She thought out loud.

"What was that?" He asked, having not heard her clearly.

"Oh nothing! Just that, uh, you need a bandage." She giggled nervously

He smiled, "Thanks for caring, Marinette, but I'm fine. It's just a scratch. It stopped bleeding ages ago." He licked his thumb and wiped the small amount of dried blood away. "See, all good"

Alya and Nino looked at the cut, they hadn't even noticed it because Adrien's hair had fallen over it.

"Yeah, girl. He's going to be fine. He just needs to put disinfectant cream on it when he gets home." Alya said as she shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess..." Marinette blushed and shrunk down in her seat. She had embarrassed herself by worrying to much.

Adrien put his hand on her arm, "Thank you, though. It's nice to know I have friends who care." He smiled at her.

She blushed a deeper shade of red and smiled nervously, "y-you're welcome!" she giggled a bit and sat up straight.

They continued to eat their food, having happy conversation as they did. Tikki and Plagg happily eating too, hiding in their usual places. 

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