Ch. 3: What A Bitch

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My heart was hammering in my chest as I peeled into the parking lot of Grant's agency. My trembling hands cut the ignition, and I allowed my body to go into auto-pilot as my weak legs carried me into the nearby office building.

"Good morning, Mr. Hudson."

The secretary batted her lashes at me, and I could see that she had dressed especially for the occasion of me coming in today; apparent by the tight skirt and low-hanging blouse that she wore. Usually when I showed up this early, it was a silent proposal for her and I to escape into the nearby unisex bathroom so I could fuck her until our sweat contributed to the fading of the floral wallpaper in there. But today was different. Today, I could hardly focus at all. Not while I carried on with my life, acting as if everything was fine all the while knowing that today would be the day that Steven would be indefinitely terminated from the band.

I was a true coward. Not only had I been distancing myself from him for nearly a month, but now I wasn't even man enough to be there when he got the news. But the truth was, I didn't want to see the look on his face when his entire world came crumbling down. And I sure as hell didn't want to be there for him to beg and plead with me to talk it out with Axl and with the producers, managers, lawyers, agencies, record company, and every goddamn person in between.

He had done this to himself, and besides, Guns wasn't about just him. Hell, it wasn't even about just us five anymore. We weren't just a bunch of dudes playing in tiny bars to uninterested jerk offs anymore. This had become an entity all its own, and I worried that we might have somehow created a monster that was now too far out of our control. I couldn't alleviate Steven's dismissal even if I wanted to, but the shittiest part was, I wasn't even sure if I even would have wanted to at this point anyway.

As awful as it sounds, I was really getting sick and tired of being sick and tired all of the time. Between all of the fighting as of late, as well as more and more legal issues and drug problems popping up, losing Steven was just like taking another brick off of the ever-growing weight on my shoulders. In a way, I almost welcomed it.

"Eh..." I coughed awkwardly, glad that I had sunglasses to hide behind as the blonde vixen eyed me up and down. I would never understand how someone as dorky as Grant had managed to score such a bombshell for a secretary, and of course he wasn't even taking advantage of the situation by fucking her silly. What a waste. "I know I'm early, but I'd really like to get this show on the road. I've got a tight schedule."

"Are you sure?" She put her pen to her lips seductively, biting softly at the end of it. "I've got something else that's tight for you..."

I was really torn here. The quicker I could get in to see Grant, the sooner I could get my mind off of my band and all of their bullshit. I would also be able to focus on caring for my snakes, yet another stressful situation that I desperately needed to get taken care of. On the other hand, I had a sexy woman offering me a good time. Was it even an option to say no at this point?

As if encouraging me to accept her offer, the girl uncrossed her legs, revealing that she was wearing nothing underneath her skirt.

I tried to be responsible, I really did, but when you've got a siren calling you softly with her song, it's nearly impossible to say no. What kind of a gentleman refuses to fulfill a lady's desires?

"You've got ten minutes," my last, fleeting attempt at being a responsible adult.

"Now, now," she shushed me as she skipped over to where I was and grabbed my hand, leading me towards the bathroom door. "You can't rush perfection."

"Sorry I'm late!" I rushed into Grant's office, still struggling to clip my belt back into its proper place. "I had, uh...urgent matters to attend to."

Grant immediately stood as I entered the room, his etiquette knowing no bounds even as he slammed his hip into his desk as he stood.

"No apologies necessary," Grant assured me, grimacing as he rubbed at his sore hip. "You're a busy man. That's why you hired me!"

"So, who's up?" I clapped my hands together, ignoring Grant completely as I waltzed over to his desk and grabbed an empty chair.

"Oh, actually, I was just in the middle of interviewing Miss Allison, here..."


Grant and I both snapped to attention as a sharp voice interrupted him. When I looked over, I was surprised to see a girl seated across the room from us.

"Al?" I echoed, cocking my head slightly.

She folded her arms over her chest, nodding in confirmation.

I cracked a smile. I couldn't help it, this was just too funny. It was cute that she called herself Al, despite having absolutely no masculine attributes whatsoever. She was so tiny, I feared even breathing on her wrong might break her in two, and her flowing chestnut hair told me she probably had never worked a day in her life.

Still, I couldn't help but to stare a tad longer than was necessary into her big, blue eyes. They gazed back at me, unfazed by my smiling and unwavering in their intensity. Despite my amusement, she was dead serious about this job interview and, for whatever reason, that only made the whole thing funnier.

"Okay, sweetheart, if you wanted an autograph, you could've just asked," I tried to let her off easy. Most girls would have just come up to me and asked, so I admit I was flattered that she had went to such lengths just to meet me. Still, this was not a time to be bombarded by fans. I was trying to get shit done, and frankly, I was a bit annoyed.

She wrinkled her nose in disgust. "I'm not here for an autograph, sweetheart."

I raised my eye brows. Was she really about to take a tone with me?

"Well, I'm not interested in a fuck either," I added, just in case. "I just gave my gravy to someone else."

"Sir-" Grant was looking more and more nervous by the second.

"I'm not here for your 'gravy' either," she scoffed, finally showing her own level of annoyance.

"You're telling me you know about snakes?" I asked, unconvinced. "Because your appearance tells me otherwise. Unless...we're talking about a different kind of snake...."

She narrowed her eyes. "My appearance? Mr. Hudson, I can assure you, I graduated top of my class-"

"I'm sure you did," I chuckled softly, leaning back into my chair. "If I was your teacher, I'd have passed you with flying colors too if it meant a chance at hittin' that."

"Mr. Hudson!" Grant finally erupted, his face red from embarrassment. He turned to the girl, who was now scowling in her seat. He bowed slightly to show his apologies before blabbering on. "My mistake, Miss. It appears my client has had a bit too much to drink this afternoon. He is known for his reckless behavior. As I'm sure you know, boys will be boys!"

She forced a smile but shook her head softly. "Of course. My mistake."

We watched her as she stood from her seat and headed for the door.

"Good luck with your pets, Mr. Hudson," she gave me one last scathing smirk. "I'm sure you'll leave them in good hands."

As soon as she was gone, I turned back to Grant and rolled my eyes.

"Yeesh! What a bitch," I grumbled, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from my jacket. "Fans are insane. They'll do anything just to get another notch in their belt."

Although I was perfectly at ease, Grant was obviously shaken up by the whole incident. He didn't smoke, so I was surprised when he took a cigarette from me with his trembling hand and brought it to his lips.

"Please, Saul..." he stammered, his face covered in sweat. "Please be careful! The last thing you need is a lawsuit, or worse!"

I snorted. "Please, she wouldn't sue me."

I lit my cigarette before offering my lighter to Grant, who gratefully accepted it.

"She doesn't have the balls."

A/N: I'm sorry this took so long. I hope you enjoy! Read, comment, vote!

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