Ch. 37: Say 'Please'

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In the following months, Axl won a majority of the legal battles. Most notably, he held the rights to the Guns N'Roses name so everything else that came after was just the cherry on top of that shit pile. Still, I didn't shut down as much as I'd anticipated I would.

Rather, I came home, continued on with my life, and got shit done. I immersed myself in caring for my pets, I made multiple phone calls checking in on Duff and Izzy, and I even picked up some old hobbies like drawing, watching movies, and playing around with my guitar-not for anyone else, but just for me.

Today I was trying out a new hobby: cooking. I was in the process of whipping up a nice dinner for me and Al to enjoy once she returned home from work. Everything I did lately was like that. It was all busy work, little things that I could do to keep my mind off of the big stuff, but it was enough. It wasn't full proof and it certainly didn't solve everything, but it was how I was learning to cope. In fact, I was learning new things about myself everyday lately.

I was coming to the realization that Slash and Saul were one and the same. Both had their good points and both had their asshole points, but they were both indisputably a part of me. In fact, I was starting to think that I was more than just the two wolves "Slash and Saul" battling away inside of me. Instead, I now imagined hundreds of different mes inside of me: the flashy musician, the confident artist, the horror movie enthusiast, the randy sex hound, the lovedrunk idiot, the guitar legend, the little kid with the dinosaur obsession, or the goofy teen riding a bike and humming along to Aerosmith. And even then, there were so many more versions of me I'd probably forgotten, or others that I hadn't discovered yet. Still, no matter which form, no matter what fragment of my soul, I was coming to accept that it was all still me. And I was learning to love all of them, and therefore all of me.

I kept much of my faith through the logic that Al loved me, and so it only made sense that I had to be doing something right. Al was the type to take care of others and help them when they're down, but she's no push-over and she's as blunt as blunt gets. She wouldn't be with me if I were a total lost cause. There had to be some good in me somewhere.

"I'm home!" Al's voice floated from the front door, just barely making it into the kitchen where I was finishing up dinner.

"I'm in here!" I called back.

Soft footsteps soon approached me, and then there was a gentle tug on my ponytail. "I like your hair like this."

I hated it like this. It meant that I couldn't hide the blushing as it crept across my cheeks. I could never figure out why her compliments always made me feel more self-conscious. I mean, weren't compliments supposed to do the opposite?

"I'm never wearing it like this again," I lied.

"Aw, c'mon! If you wear yours up, I'll wear mine down."

I paused in my cooking, finally turning to face her. Her expression was blank, but I could see a glimmer of amusement in her eyes when she knew that she had my full attention.

If she liked my hair up, there was no question that I enjoyed her hair down-free and flowing. The ponytail was nice and all, but seeing her loosen up every now and again never failed to make my heart beat just a little faster. It was like she turned into a whole other woman when her hair was down.

If I had hundreds of mes inside of me, then that meant Al had hundreds of Als too. When Al changed her hairstyle, or put on some make up, or went into her "zoologist mode", I felt like Al was giving me a peek of a different Al. It always left me wanting more. I wanted to know all sides of her and to be able to see her from every angle, but mostly I just wanted to love all of them. Even the ones that were harder for her to show, even her ugliest ones.

"Well, what're you waiting for?" I nodded in her direction, urging her to show me some proof. "Do it."

"You have to say 'please'."

I rolled my eyes and went back to cooking. She really loved to tease me. That, or test me. I could never tell which it was in the moment. "I'm not doing that."

"Your loss..." her voice faded as she sauntered away from me, leaving a titillating note hanging in the air between us.

When I angled my head slightly to steal a peek at her, I saw her tank top in a heap on the floor that led to the hallway. Al's scrunchie sat on top of the pile of fabric like an exhausted climber at the peak of a mountain. The poor thing had been all stretched out from nonstop, grueling months of use. Al had a way of making me feel that way too, always pushing me, stretching me to the point where I felt like I might snap. I loved every second of it.

"Fine, you win!" I hollered so she could hopefully hear me all the way up in our bedroom, where I assumed she was now waiting for me.

I abandoned our dinner off to the side-What a shame-and sprinted for the stairs. When I reached the top, I started tugging off my clothes so I'd be just as naked as I hoped Al was by the time I reached the room. I didn't get very far.

As soon as my shirt was over my head, Al grabbed me from behind and forced my hands together, wrapping a belt around my wrists until they were tied nice and snug. She tugged on the belt to ensure that I couldn't break free, then smiled at me in a way that made my whole body start to tingle.

"Now say 'please'," she said again, an order this time. She had gotten completely naked, and her hair was down covering her breasts. It was then that I decided I didn't like it down as much as I thought I did.

"And if I don't?"

Her smile widened. "Well then I'll just have to make you."

A/N: I'm sorry that this took longer than I thought it would! I've been busy with work and brainstorming for Axl's book, trying to get a semblance of a plot going!

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoys this update! Thanks! Read, comment, vote!

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