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To anyone still reading this and voting/commenting on my stuff: HUGE THANK YOU.

I'm trying to get back on track with updating again. I'm not gonna lie: I'm busy with work, and I'm pretty positive that I'm just depressed. I feel like everything-even the things I love-are so much work lately, and I feel like even keeping in contact with people through something as simple as DMs is just draining me. I say I'm busy (which I am most days), but the truth is that anything outside of watching YouTube videos just feels like so much work and effort and I just can't always find the motivation. But I'm working on getting back to the gym, eating better, and focusing on my hobbies again. I'm trying to pull myself out of this funk, so please bear with me. I'm working on the next update now and am determined to start the next Axl book once I wrap this one up.

Once again, thank you for sticking around. All of you in this fandom really mean so much to me. I'm sorry I haven't been myself lately and have horribly neglected you, but I'm working on it. If any of you know what depression/anxiety is like, then I'm sure you'll understand.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! Let's finish this book up!


EDIT: Wow. I JUST got done saying I'd update more often and then I got sick. I started writing but then had to stop for almost a week. I'm sorry guys!! I'm back at it though now that I feel better. Sorry for all the inconvenience! 🙏🏼

Book 3: You Don't Want My Love (Slash FanFic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin