Ch. 20: Empty Spaces

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My entire body felt heavy, like I was swimming in a jar of honey. When I tried to open my eyes fully, a piercing light blinded me and caused me to cry out in a mixture of pain and surprise.

"Oh! You're awake!" I heard some shuffling and the sound of metal rings squealing along the length of a curtain rod. The light dimmed and I was finally able to open my eyes again, though it took me blinking quite a few times before my vision finally returned.

"I'm sorry about the curtains. I opened the window to let in some air. I didn't think it would wake you up."

I could still only make out figures and blurry shadows, but I could recognize the bump of that ponytail anywhere. "Al?"

"Yeah. It's me."

"What...what happened?"

"Oh, don't-!" Al began, but it was too late and I was already in motion. I tried to sit up, but the movement caused me to feel as though my brain had detached itself from its base and was now swimming around in my skull. I flopped back onto the mountain of pillows behind me with a grunt.

"Fuck...." I grumbled, lifting a weak arm up to press down on my brow where most of the pain was beginning to migrate.

"Be careful. Don't rush yourself," Al warned me. She sounded like she was trying to scold me again, but I could hear the undertones of genuine worry in her voice.

"What happened?" I asked again, my voice coming out as a growling croak.

"You collapsed at the zoo from exhaustion. I called an ambulance and then called Grant. You were at the hospital for a bit so they could pump some fluids into you and let you rest up until you were stable enough to go home. Grant took you home yesterday afternoon, but you were still pretty sleepy and knocked right out when we brought you up to bed."

The hospital? I squeezed my eyes shut even tighter, trying to remember anything after I'd blacked out. Nothing came to mind.

"I don't remember any of that."

"That part isn't important anyway," Al insisted sternly. "What is important is that you start taking better care of yourself! What were you thinking? You can't survive off of coffee, cigarettes, and cookies. And your stress levels? They have to be all sorts of fucked up! And what about your alcohol consumption? When was the last time you showered or slept in a proper bed?"

Her voice was growing increasingly frustrated the more the list of my transgressions grew.

"Ughhhhh...." I snarled loudly enough to drown her out until she finally shut up completely. "All you do is nag me."

That really pissed her off. "Of course I would nag you after you scared me half to death like that!"

Using what little strength I could muster, I pulled my arm from my face and forced my eyes back open. Glancing towards where Al's voice had been coming from, I was able to make out a figure in the darkness.

As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I realized that we weren't in my personal bedroom but instead I was sleeping in the guest room that I'd originally assigned to Al when she'd first moved in. Al was seated in a chair next to the bed, a chair that had obviously been well-lived in for some time now. A few magazines and books littered the nightstand beside it, along with some Chinese take out boxes and napkins. Al's ponytail was high and out of her face, giving me a clear view of the dark circles under her eyes and the worry lines that crinkled her forehead.

I remembered the way she had acted when she'd first visited Steven at the hospital, how she had fussed over him and asked so many questions even though she had never even met the guy. I couldn't help but wonder if she had been leaning over me and fretting over me the exact same way. I felt a stirring deep within my chest at the thought.

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