Ch. 35: Numb

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I guess it was written all over my face just how the visit with Axl went-that, or Al just knew me too well. I didn't even have to say anything when I stepped inside my house. Al immediately jumped into action with a casual "hello" and proceeded to ask me about Duff's health, how Izzy was doing now that he was out on his own, and whether or not Steven was coming back to stay with us even though his plan to get us back together had worked and his presence was no longer necessary to keep up the charade. She made no mention of Axl, which I was thankful for.

I did my best to answer the few questions she did ask, though I'm sure my words came out as a grumbled, jumbled mess. If she had berated me with more hefty questions or pushed me to spill my guts about how I was feeling right now, I might've had a break down right then and there. Al knew this, and so she mostly left me to my thoughts.

When I slumped over to her, she accepted my hanging head onto her shoulder and patted my back with a comfortable rhythm. My curls were probably covering her face, but she didn't seem to be bothered by it.

"I missed you," I whispered, the warmth of her shoulder radiating where it pressed against my forehead.

"I missed you too."

Somehow, I eventually wound up back in my bedroom with a guitar in my hands, and Al trying to discreetly poke her head around the corner to check on me every so often. I strummed "Wish You Were Here" over and over until my fingers went numb.

A/N: This book is almost over, which means Axl's book is in the works! To anyone who noticed/cared, I changed the title to My Hands Are Tied, and I am working on it now!

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