Ch. 11: Life Is Good

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Al kept herself scarce after our last encounter in the kitchen, not that I could blame her. I couldn't quite remember all that I'd said, but knowing myself, it probably wasn't too gentlemanly. She also pretty much banned me from vegging out in the reptile room. She ended up turning it into somewhat of an animal hospital, complete with specified visiting hours and everything.

"Pandora needs her space," she'd informed me as she practically shoved me out the door. "And frankly, I do too."

As tempting as it was for me to just barge in anyway and assert my dominance as head of the household and all that shit, I decided against it. Besides, maybe if I let Al do what she needed to do, this whole situation would fly by a lot smoother and quicker, and she'd be out of my life in no time. Until then, I figured I'd find other ways to amuse myself. After all, I still had plenty of alcohol, and I knew exactly who to share it with....

"Hello?" The voice on the other end of the line was groggy despite me having called well past noon.

"How's it hangin' fucker?" I yelled as loudly as I could, hoping to make his obvious hang over somehow even worse than it already had been.

"Aw, c'mon, man! Fuck you!" He grumbled, his voice growing quieter as he pulled the phone away from his ear.

"But for real, what's up, Nik?" I ignored his whining with a laugh.

"I was sleeping," he said, annoyed.

"Right. Was," I clarified. "Listen, I wanna' throw a party tonight. I quit Guns N'Roses recently, and I wanna' go out in style, ya' know?"

"So the rumors were true," Nikki seemed to be waking up a little bit more. "Shit man, if I'd known I would've thrown you a party ages ago! I just didn't think it was possible, Guns breakin' up n'all. I figured you woulda' told me."

"It's alright, my man. Just bring some ladies, some booze, and some H. Get the word around. It's gotta' be a big one, alright?"

"Yeah, for sure man. I'll get you a real nice goin' away present. Real nice."

"I knew you'd pull through for me," I said cheerily.

"Oh, and Slash?"


"Never call me like that again, or I'll fuckin' end you," he tried to sound threatening, but I knew that he was only being grumpy.

"Yeah, whatever. See ya' tonight!"


My once skeletal, lonely mansion was now being invaded by hundreds of warm bodies, all of them bobbing and dipping to the music that blared through the halls. I hardly recognized the place, everything was so much more lively than I think I'd ever seen it before. Nikki had said he would hook me up with the perfect going away present, and he really had. Not only was there enough smack to knock out a stampede of horses, but he'd hired some chicks to dress up as real classy playboy bunnies and hand out drinks-among other things, if you had the dough-to the guests. The party hadn't been going on for more than an hour, but I was already beaming from ear to ear.

"Nik, ol'buddy ol'pal, you sure know how to throw a party!" I clapped Nikki on the back as I polished off a bottle of Jack.

"I know," he replied casually, smiling and waving at a cute little bunny as she strutted by. She beamed, regarding us both with a seductive gaze before disappearing back into the sea of people. "I told you, you have to go out in style my man!"

And that's exactly what I planned on doing tonight. I just wanted to get as fucked up as possible and just enjoy being a free man for once. I didn't have to plan my life around a tour schedule anymore, didn't have to answer to Axl or to the record companies or even to Grant. I could just do what I wanted tonight and, right now, I desperately wanted that bunny.

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