Ch. 25: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

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"So it wasn't you who brought the flowers? Figures."

I slugged Steven real good on the arm, earning  me a laugh from him and a stern look from his nurse. Steven was right; she was hot, but she was kind of a bitch. Then again, I didn't totally mind it. She was no-nonsense about her job, and you could tell that she genuinely cared about Steven as a patient. It kind of reminded me of someone else I knew....

She set up a tray on Steven's lap for him to eat off of, laying all of the plastic silverware and napkins around his bowl. She checked a few of the machines that he was still hooked up to, and then asked him a few general questions about his pain levels and mental state before finally leaving the room. We watched her go, Steven most likely admiring her ass in her skirt, while I-oddly enough-was busy admiring her work ethic. That was a first for me.

"So who should I be thanking?" Steven asked as he began to pick up and unwrap packets of crackers.

"What?" I stammered, struggling to pay attention. My mind was still wanting to wander back to thoughts of Al. I couldn't help myself. For the ponytailed tomboy I hadn't even initially given a second thought to, I was surprised at just how much she was suddenly taking over my mind. 

"The roses!" Steven motioned towards the vase beside his bed, where the once bright petals were now shriveled and blackening. "Who got them for me?"

"Oh," I frowned at his questioning gaze. "You don't know her."

"Her?" His eyes widened in excitement as he began munching on a cracker. "It was a mystery girl? Do I have a secret admirer?"

I wrinkled my nose at the thought of Al and Steven together. "No."

Steven noticed my reaction and smirked knowingly. "Was she with one of you, then?"


Steven paused for a moment, his eyes wandering the room thoughtfully as if he expected the answer to be hiding behind one of the chairs or something. I probably should've just told him instead of making him think about it; I didn't want him overworking his brain or something after he had just woken up. But, at the same time, I really didn't want to talk to him about Al and all that had happened between us. What would be the point in telling him all of that if they were probably never even going to meet? Whatever there was that might've been between me and Al, it was over. It would be better for me to just forget all about her, but Steven wasn't about to let me.

"Well Izzy didn't mention anyone, so I don't think she's his...and you're acting really weird about it, so I'm guessing it's either someone you've already fucked and dumped, or it's someone you want to fuck."

For someone who liked to act like nothing of importance was ever going on inside of his head, he really was kind of smart sometimes. Still, I wasn't quite sure what to say. Al was neither of those things. We hadn't fucked, and we hadn't been dating or anything so it's not even like we had broken up, and yet it still hurt just the same. And, while I did want to fuck her, it wasn't that simple. I wanted that and so much more. I wanted everything.

"Axl stopped by too. It could've been any one of his girls," I reminded him with a grunt, lowering my head a bit to hide in my curls.

I wasn't trying to be difficult, but what else was I supposed to say? How could I admit that I was acting this way over a girl I barely knew? It was embarrassing for me, the guy who earlier this year was the lead guitarist of a world famous band, traveling the globe and bedding multiple girls at each stop along the way. It made the life I was living now look that much more pathetic. Here I was, a washed up rock n'roll mascot with an empty house, hardly any of my old friends, and a school boy crush on some plain Jane tomboy with no tits and enough brains to know better than to get involved with a guy like me.

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