Chapter 11

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G (P.O.V)

I felt it. I could never forget her soul. The way it feels when she heals my soul. It hurts like hell. I know she remembered the promise, the promise of never doing that again. But she had no choice. I understand that. Her powers only seemed stronger then before. The healing process hurt without a special bond and it hurts even more with a special bond. But now, now it was like dying and coming back. Not a fun process. She was alive. I'm alive because of her. I don't know what happened. I couldn't stop it. I can never stop the break downs any more. They seemed to happen more often. Ever since he attacked me. The day he took her away from me. But she was back now and this had to happen. Its almost like what ever happened to me, didn't want me to see her. Almost killed me  I know that for sure. But what was going on now? I couldn't hear anything or see. I could feel something, but it was hard to tell what it is. Everything hurt, but not as bad as when she was healing me. Almost like a...... sore hurt kind of way. If that makes sense for a skeleton. Not really.  But it counts, I guess. Where was I? I would think they would move me. I hope. I'M suuuuure they wouldn't leave on the cold hard ground of the true lab. Pretty sure. 

That doesn't matter. What was happening? Everything seemed fuzzy. Sound. Touch. Almost everything. I couldn't see. Nor could I hear. And I really couldn't remember anything. What even happened? I know I know, but it's no where in my memory. And even if it was it would be blurry. Whatever happened seemed important. I was losing it. Everything I've know for the past hour. Lost. I don't understand what's going on. Not any more any ways. I soft force seemed to just pull at my mind. Something was trying to keep me from remembering and something was trying to help me remember. It seemed like war. No pain though, never seems to be. I small conversation was rolling around me. Nothing could be made out at first. Mumble jumble. Whatever. They conversation only seemed to get louder. Almost to the point of yelling. My senses came back quickly, like a punch to the face. Or. Skull. Full force. Surprising. I nearly jumped up, I would have to. If I didn't feel all of the pain holding me down. I just wanted to sleep, But noooo people just had to be talking loudly. Wait. Who was talking? The low voice was familiar. Papyrus. The shaky and uncertain voice was also familiar. Alphys. The loud and almost yelling like was the one and only. Undyne. But the calm and concern filling voice was new. New. Who else was there? Helping me?......WAIT. There it was. Again. A punch to the skull. This time I did jump up. Pushing myself up so quickly. The room around me got quiet. I put a hand to my chest and tried to still my heavy breathing. The slight movement was quick but noticeable.

" Are you okay G?"    

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