Secrets (One Direction)

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Tucker's P.O.V.

         It was stormy and cold as I stepped out of the book store. This is normal for Portland, Oregon. Mother Nature can't seem to get her act together here at all. A light rain fell while a medium breeze blew causing me to shiver to the bone. Normally I am not cold at all, but something in the air felt totally wrong. I glanced around just to make sure everything was clear before I began heading back home toward my apartment. As I approached my apartment after a boring ten minute walk; I heard something that caught my attention. It sounded like a gunshot. I twisted my head in the direction of the noise before seeing five figures appear, clearly frightened. More gunshots send them running straight toward me. My body is telling me to book it, but my gut is telling me to stay and help them. My gut wins out sadly and I am trying not to regret it.

They get to me shortly and are completely out of air. "You've got to help us dude. Please! Anything!" The closest one to me pleads, panic clearly overtaking his voice. Before I can respond, I hear voices on the other side. Yep, that is the deciding factor before I tell them to follow me. I ran straight for my place of safety with five total strangers. We got into the building quickly, heading straight for my apartment. It didn't take long to get there, get in and turn on the lights. "What have I gotten myself into?" I muttered softly before turning toward the five figures. My eyes went wide. There before my eyes stood One Direction.

            “Thanks mate. We owe you so much! You have no idea.” Someone said, snapping me out of amazement. I had thousands of thoughts zoom onto the freeway of my mind all headed for the same place. I shook my head which caused the crash of a lifetime in my mind. “Huh, n-n-no problem.” I muttered nervously.  I feel like such an idiot for not knowing what to say. I mean I have One Direction in my apartment after helping them out from only God knows what except I knew about the gunshots. That much was pretty clear. “Come on Tucker; remember your manners for heaven’s sake. Just because they are famous doesn’t mean they’re not human.” My mind was speaking for me out loud and I felt their gazes bare down on me. “Would you l-l-like something to drink?” I stuttered out, slowly backing further into my apartment. “Sure.” They all said at the same time.

            I slowly walked into my kitchen trying to make sense of everything. I decided to clear my thoughts for the moment to get them their drinks. I opened my fridge and got out the Brita water container. I grabbed some glasses from the dishwasher. Thank god I just cleaned everything earlier today. As I started to pour the water; I heard mumbled talking in my living room. I was torn between wanting to listen in and letting them keep their privacy. I decided that I would do the right thing and just continue getting their water.  I grabbed all five glasses as best as I could, feeling slightly awkward. As I excited my kitchen I saw what they were doing.  Liam was on the phone with someone in my hallway near my bedroom. Harry and Zayn were sitting on the couch looking at their phones probably on twitter. Louis and Niall seemed to be on sentry mode with Niall being close to my window looking out and Louis being at my door, looking through the eye hole. I swear the tension was just waiting to snap.

            “Here are your waters guys.” I said hoping hell wouldn’t erupt in my living room. I set down the glasses and backed away toward the kitchen entrance to just stand there.  All of their faces turned toward me, making me feel even more awkward. Liam got off the phone and slowly walked over to grab his water. “Thank you, uh?” He was clearly waiting for my name to finish his statement. “Name’s Tucker and I know who you are already Liam.” I said before the freeway opened up again in my mind. I blinked a couple times to help me find focus in my mind. The freeway grinded to a halt when the big question popped into my mind. “You have a question you wanna ask. I can see it written on your face.” I turned toward the Irish accent that said it. I was flustered by his statement. “Am I that easy to read?” I calmly asked. He just nodded. “Well spit it out mate.” Zayn said standing up.

            “Um, Um, Um, What are you guys doing in Portland and what caused you to run?” I sighed as I finished both questions. I took a deep breath and looked back toward them. I raised my eyebrow, kind of hoping they would answer. Harry slowly got up and walked toward me causing me to back away in a slight fear.

            “Well.” His voice trailed as he looked toward the ground. “It’s a lon—“His voice was cut out as I felt pain shoot across my face. I fell to the floor and darkness overtook me.


Let me know what you think :D!

Dedicated to Liz :D!! SHE IS AMAZING!! GO READ HER WORKS!!! @LilzmarielyVega!! She also made the cover photo for this story!! It is awesomely amazing!!

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