Chapter 1: Dodging the Truth

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Niall’s P.O.V.

            I shifted from looking out the window as soon as I heard the thump as the body fell on the ground. My eyes grew wide in amazement as I saw Louis with a worried look, standing over the unconscious Tucker. We all knew why Louis had knocked him out, but the worrisome thoughts in my mind suddenly overcame the rest. “Louis! What the hell, mate? Was that really necessary? He just saved our lives and this is how you repay him? By knocking the shit out of him?” I clenched my fists tightly, feeling guilty. A flash of anger and guilt crossed his eyes for a moment before he responded slowly. “We don’t need him questioning us. He knows who we are. What’s to stop him from telling someone? These are our battles Niall, no one else’s.” I sighed, knowing he was awfully right. “We should probably move him to his bed and leave.” Liam said quietly. We all agreed.

            After we had laid him on his bed, more guilt wrecked through me. I just shrugged it off this time. “Let’s go before he wakes up or worse.” I said quickly, getting nodded approval from the lads. I saw a piece of paper and pen right before exiting the door. I quickly wrote “I’m sorry” on it and walked out. We left extremely quietly and just continued out into the cold night. Part of my conscience was still troubling me though so as Harry, Zayn and Louis walked ahead; I stayed back to talk with Liam. “Li, I just feel like total shit knowing we just did that. Yeah, Louis is right about it being our problem, but he risked his life for us. Total strangers!” I tried my best to remain as calm as possible. “Nialler, don’t be too hard on yourself. He just happened to be in the right place for us and the wrong place for him. He’ll be fine, trust me. Besides with that punch Louis threw, I highly doubt he will be remembering this. If he does, God help us.” Liam patted my back and smiled trying to calm me. It worked and I felt relieved enough to continue back to the hotel.


Tucker’s P.O.V.

            “God! My head is freaking killing me and I feel like shit.” I loudly proclaimed to myself as I woke up. I moved slowly so my head wouldn’t hurt as much and took a look at the clock. 9:47a.m the clock reads and I groan. I get up at a snail’s pace and headed for the bathroom. The throbbing in my head felt like a drum being beat really fast. “I either partied really hard or am sick.” I told myself as I saw myself in the mirror. I had a slight bruise on my cheek, but nothing too serious. I was really thankful for that, so I took a couple of aspirins, hopped in the shower and got ready for my week off. I was really thankful that I asked for time off work . I walked out of the bathroom into the hallway. I continued at snail pace to make sure I didn’t fall. I almost took a little tumble off a cliff; when something caught my eye on the wall close to my room. It was a dent. I decided to glance over it and inspect it.

            I don’t remember there being a dent in my walls considering I used a stress ball when I got mad. I shrugged it off and moved into my living room. My eyes grew extremely wide at five empty glasses, sitting on my coffee table, like a beacon of hell from last night. Memories flooded back into my mind like bombs being dropped over a large area. One Direction was in my house. I saved them from trouble and “WHO THE HELL KNOCKED ME OUT?” The last thought burst out of my mouth. I was going to get to the bottom of this, but not through revenge. Revenge sounded really great, but that wasn’t the right thing to do; though I didn’t get any points for actually doing the right thing. I grabbed my stress ball and squeezed the ever-living crap out of it, just trying to relax myself back into a normal thinking state. Slowly and methodically, my eyes scanned the room searching for any evidence or things out of place. Sometimes, my work came in handy; studying to be in forensics and studying to be a counselor to people, excellent time to test my abilities. Slowly my eyes landed on a piece of paper near the door with a simple phrase on it from what I could tell. I moved quickly, picking up the paper and read “I’m sorry”. “Wow! First off what terrible handwriting and secondly” my eyes grew wide and a thought catapulted into my mind. “I can find them if they are still here; otherwise I’m going to be doing some travelling.” I felt excited at the idea of a mystery involving a famous boyband.

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