Chapter 6: Healing and Preparing for Royalty.

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“Tucker please. You need to calm down.” Niall said looking into my eyes. I couldn’t calm down and my body began to feel nauseous. “Tucker please for me. Relax.” His voice kept repeating those words.

I suddenly remembered something else besides the blood. –Their eyes and teeth were different from normal people. Their teeth looked like a dogs teeth. What could that-- - I pulled myself back a little bit and stared at them all gob smacked by my epiphany. 



Tucker P.O.V.

I stared at them expectantly waiting for an answer. The pain only getting worse and I can feel the tension ready to snap. I cleared my throat, but realized that it sounded like a dying motorcycle engine. The noise got their attention however because all their eyes went back to normal. “Phew. Thank god the dogs are caged.” I muttered under my breath.

“What did you say?” Zayn said kneeling down to look me in the eyes.

“You heard me. Don’t be stupid.” I shot back slowly building my anger up before I realized something again. “O MY GOD I’M BLEEDING!” I shouted at the top of my lungs before blacking out.


Zayn’s P.O.V.

“O MY GOD I’M BLEEDING!” Were the last words I heard from Tucker before he just kind of fainted.

“Well lads.” I said looking up their faces which were all shocked. “We have a couple options. A. We take him to the hospital and pray that Paul doesn’t slit our throats for this repeat. B. We can just place him in the car and heal him up ourselves or C. We leave him here.” The last response I said earned a few chuckles from everyone except Niall. “Really Niall? That was funny and you’re not laughing.” I said poking him. His eyes glanced over to me and I figured out he wasn’t having any of it.

“That wasn’t funny Zayn!” Niall snapped at me. “Tucker just saved our lives from GOD KNOWS WHAT!” His voice continued to rise and I started to flinch from the volume. “You make a sick and twisted joke about the guy that just—“He stopped what he was saying and took a breath. His eyes had changed colors again and he was fuming. He closed his eyes for a second before opening them up and making eye contact with me again. “You will not under any circumstance talk about Tucker like that again. Am I clear?” His voice was oddly calm and carried a lot of power. The wolf in me submitted to his instantly.

“Yes Niall.” I said obeying his command.

“That goes for the rest of you as well!” Niall said looking at every single person. “He deserves it. I don’t even want to know how those two were our staff on the plane. They could’ve poisoned our drinks—Wait! I didn’t have a drink. Only Tuc—“His eyes widened and he looked down at the passed out college student in front of us. “We’re taking him with us. We can heal him right Louis?” His gaze met Louis’s, who just nodded.

“Niall. I’ve got a question.” I said flatly. He nodded for me to continue. “I know you already answered this for Liam, but what makes Tucker so special to you?” I asked raising my eyebrow.

He let out a sigh and turned his gaze upwards. “I’ll tell you when we get to the hotel. I promise to tell you everything you want. Is that okay Zayn?” His gaze fell upon me again as he finished and waited for my response.

“Yep.” I said popping the ‘p’.

“Good, now can we get out of here please before we’re questioned by police and so we can heal Tucker? He gestured with his hands to the car.

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