Chapter 4: Revealing a Secret.

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Tucker's P.O.V.

“Well, you see. I sort of might be.” Niall begins to explain and I am getting annoyed with his delaying tactics. 

“Get on with it!” I snap at him.

“I’m a –“Niall is cut off by the flight attendant coming back with my refreshment. I grumble at her poor timing. –This is the second time she has done that! If she does it again; I’m going to flip shit.- My brain was fuming and apparently Niall thought it was funny because he began laughing like no tomorrow.

“What’s so funny?” I ask glaring at him.

Niall shuts up almost immediately and looks at me. His eyes give away that he is searching for the right answer. He simply shrugs and returns to his phone, leaving me pissed beyond belief.

“I asked you a question Niall.” My tone apparently doesn’t set well with him because he shifts in his seat to face away from me. “TELL ME THIS INSTANT NIALL!” I roar in anger at him. His face turns back to look at me and for a split second; it looks like his eyes turn yellow which makes me blink really fast.

“You listen here Tucker.” The words out of his mouth actually make me flinch. A smirk appears on his face. “That is right. You should be afraid of me Tucker. I can easily finish you off with no problem and I have no problem letting you go.” His voice is laced with anger. His eyes flash yellow again before he sits down, typing away on his phone.

I feel like a wrecking ball just slammed into me with what he said. My brain is literally working overtime to just process all this new information. –I should be afraid of him? Fire me? What’s with his eyes? Who the hell does this guy think he is? I know he is famous, but the secrets that he’s hiding will be the end me.- I was brought of my thoughts by a throat clearing. I glanced over to Niall, who was still typing on his phone.

“Yes Niall?” I try my best to keep a neutral tone.

“Just clearing my throat.” His voice seems a bit off like he’s lying.

“Yeah, whatever.” I say as I roll my eyes in utter disgust. Of all the things that have happened so far; how did I end up with Niall? I take out my phone and see I have three text messages from an unknown number. I unlock my phone and open them.

You will never be able to save them. – M.

“I’ll never be able to save them?” I mutter quietly. I am beyond confusion now. I open up the second message.

Trust your reflexes.- Max.

“That is a random message from Max. That is the same thing he said to me before I left.” I continue my muttering and steal a look at Niall, who is staring at me. I don’t bother with it and open the third message.

Don’t keep anymore secrets from him. You need tell him the truth about you as quickly as possible. I’m sorry that I won’t be able to help you anymore. Love mom.

“My mom as well? What is going on? THERE IS FISHY BUSINESS HAPPENING AND I WANNA KNOW!” My voice rose to a shout and I twisted my face to face Niall who is sitting back in his seat afraid. “Yeah you heard everything I just said and the mutters as well didn’t you?” My question slammed him like a tornado hitting a building because he fell out of his seat.

His eyes did their freaky flashing yellow thing again and he stood up. In one swift movement he sat down in the seat next to me again.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are preparing to land. Please fasten your seatbelts. Flight attendants, prepare for arrival.” I heard the familiar pilot safety precautions for landing. I directed my attention back to Niall who was clearly fighting an internal war.

“Niall?” I asked quietly, hoping not to have him freak out at me.

His gaze shifted slightly and his neck tilted to the right a little bit. Honestly, he looked like an adorable puppy with his current face. “You’re my bodyguard for a reason Tucker. I am truly sorry that I snapped at you. I won’t ever fire you, I promise. If I do, you have my permission to tell everyone about the events. I actually picked you to protect me. Paul had nothing to do with it. What your boss said about your reflex is correct. You will need them. I know one of your secrets already that your mom was talking about.” My eyes never left his as he continued. I was determined to get answers. “You must promise with your life that you won’t tell the others I said this. Okay?”

“I promise that I will forfeit my life if I tell a soul what you are about to tell me.” I replied and he answered it with a smile. A true genuine smile.

“I shall hold you to that promise Tucker.” His words almost felt like I made a mistake in doing so. “Now I am ready to tell you that secret that you want to know. I don’t need to know anymore of yours till later okay?” Niall’s words seemed to portray he knew a lot more then he led on. I nodded and he sighed loudly.

 “Well Tucker. How do I put this easily so you don’t flip out? I really hope you believe me.” He sighs and takes a deep breath. “I’m an alien prince.” The words flew out his mouth and shot me like a bullet. I blinked twice before darkness overtook me. 


A secret has been revealed in the shortest chapter of the entire story! NO ONE SAW THAT COMING!!!

NIALL'S AN ALIEN PRINCE! OR IS HE LYING? What's up with his eyes?

Lemme know what you think please :D!!

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