Chapter 9: Prophecy and Betas

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Tucker’s P.O.V.

-Whelp… it is official. I’m gonna die.

Way to go Tucker. You jump out of a high-rise hotel building and are now plummeting toward the ground and death.

‘Okay, seriously brain, now would be a great time to shut up about me dying. Let us try to figure out something that will help me live…’

Well okay, you’re a werewolf and you have a couple seconds before you land.-

‘O shit!’

I blinked and saw the ground coming closer to me. I willed all my strength and werewolf traits that apparently I had and focused on landing. Within seconds, the ground was here and I landed hard enough to crack the ground around me and thankfully, one saw me. I blinked a couple times to make sure I wasn’t hurt and found out I wasn’t. “Thank god for being a werewolf?” I said it as more of a question.

“Tucker!” I heard someone shout from my right. I glanced over to see the boys running toward me.

“Aw shit. I’m Niall’s guard and should be doing my duty, but here I am, about to run from him.” I said softly and took off sprinting. There was no way in hell that I was going to face one of the people who vanished from my life. I did better without him.

I looked around as I was sprinting and realized that all buildings were zipping by at a face pace. I could still hear the boys behind me shouting. I saw a park over to my right and willed myself to move faster. I got into the park and found the closet bush to hide in. –I really hope they are idiots and can’t use their sense of smell. I could be so mean and tell so many jokes to myself, but I don’t want to burst out laughing.- I remained quiet and didn’t move at all except to blink. I watched as the boys entered the park and looked around. I tried willing myself to hear what they were saying and was surprised it worked.

“Find him quick. Dad isn’t very happy about this, though he feels bad about it. Spread out and if you find him, yell.” Niall said quickly before sprinting off in a random direction. Liam, Harry and Louis sprinted off as well, but Zayn didn’t. His gaze landed on the bush I was in and I tensed.

He slowly began to walk toward my bush and I was feeling a slight urge to run, but I didn’t. He got in front of the bush and looked down at it. I silently gulped and soon he opened the bush to reveal me. He stood there, completely shocked that he found me. He was opening his mouth to yell when I felt the need to stop him.

“Don’t say a single thing or yell any sound. Got it?” I said with a semi-growl to my voice. His eyes lit up and he nodded at me. “Now Zayn, if you would so kind as to tell me what the hell is going on.” I muttered so no one else, but him could hear me. He sighed and his eyes went back to their hazel color.

“Well there is a royal meeting between all the good werewolf clans. And before you ask, yes there are good and bad werewolves.” I raised my eyebrow at his words.

“Cliché, but continue.” I gestured for him to continue. His eyes scanned the park as if he was calling for help or protecting me.

“Well anyways Tucker. You and Niall are princes to head of all good werewolf clans. Your father is the king and when your mother had both of you, let’s just say it was a big deal.” Zayn’s words carried a lot of emotion with them, but mostly guilt.

“Why was it a big deal?” I inquired. I was seriously curious. I mean who wouldn’t be.

“Two alphas were born to two alphas Tucker. I know you don’t understand it, but I’ll tell you. It is a part of the prophecy for the clans. All werewolves are taught about it, well all except you.” He let out a small chuckle before continuing. “This is the prophecy. Two alphas born under two alphas will pave the way for the darkest secret. A secret that will damn one and bring life to one. One will hunt the other and kill them. Only if both remain true can the prophecy change.” He said before looking to the left. I followed his gaze and saw Niall coming straight toward us.

“O FOR PETE’S SAKE! CAN’T I CATCH A BREAK?” I shouted angrily and getting to my feet.

“Tucker you stu—“Niall was cut off by Zayn stepping in front of me. He was facing Niall and growling at him. Niall stopped dead in his tracks and raised his eyebrow. I did the same thing, but only Niall could see how confused I was.

“Uh, Zayn? You okay?” I asked tapping his shoulder. He turned around and his eyes were glowing. “Was it something I said?” I didn’t move, but I was just slightly afraid of Zayn. I might be an ‘alpha’, but I’m new to this whole thing. Zayn’s eyes went back to their hazel color and he was smiling up at me.

“I don’t believe it.” I heard someone else say from behind me. “Zayn found an alpha that fits him.” I turned to see Louis walking toward us with Harry and Liam in tow.

“I don’t get it.” I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and earned a light chuckle from my dick of a brother.

“It means that Zayn’s wolf obeys your wolf. Something you did or said to him triggered it. He is officially a beta for you.” Niall’s tone was very friendly and somewhat giddy. I don’t know if I should barf at the thought of Niall being nice to me or jump for joy that I have a beta. Let’s go with…

“You know I feel sick from you Niall.” I chuckled and he glared at me playfully. “You wanna go Niall? I think I could beat you.” I confidently said looking directly at him. He shook his head and looked away. I heard a few gasps from the others. I looked around at them. “What?” I threw my hands up in disgust and sighed. Liam stepped closer and looked directly at me.

“Niall never backs down from a fight from another alpha. It is a thing about being alpha. If you back down from someone, it’s either because you don’t want to hurry them and you let them know or…”Liam paused in what he was saying. “Or they know you’re more powerful and submitted internally knowing they are beaten.” I raised my eyebrow at this and turned back to face Niall. I took a couple steps to stand in front of him. He raised his gaze and met mine.

“Which one is it Niall? I’m not gonna hurt you and I won’t take your status away.” Something in me sparked a feeling of guilt. I had a hunch as to which one it was, but something about him being my brother took over.

“You’re stronger than me. And not by a little, you practically radiate power Tucker. Any Alpha can tell. Betas don’t feel it and Omegas will run away from it.” Niall said and his last words caught me off guard.

“Wouldn’t Louis technically be an omega if he isn’t a part of your pack.” I asked turning to Louis.

“Actually when Louis healed you, he felt a connection and became a beta to you. You have two betas like me.” Niall said overly to cheery. He was practically radiating joy.

“There you boys are.” Niall and I froze at the sound. We turned to face who had spoken.

“Hi Tucker.”


O.O.... TUCKER'S GOT BETAS. O SNAP... What about that Prophecy though.. o.o... well... they're doomed...

QUESTION! WHO'S THE VOICE? It's the same one from his vision.


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