Chapter 7: Niall tells the Truth

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Tucker’s P.O.V.

“Help me!” I shouted into the dark. I feel so lost because I can’t do anything. Is this where I lose hope because the darkness is consuming? Is it, wait, what’s that? I see a small light appearing. I can feel my legs beginning to run toward it.

“HELP ME!” I call to the light. I reach the light and suddenly I’m back at the airport. “What the hell?” I mumble and look around. I hear a little voice from somewhere close and I look around. I hear it a second time, but this time I can hear the words.

“Check for clues.” It sounds like a little boy. My eyes widen in fear because it feels like one of those horror movies. It suddenly becomes more like one when I see a little boy next to me looking at me with big brown eyes like mine. My gaze falls to him and I can’t look away. “Why are you staring me?” He said before giggling.

“What’s so funny about me looking at you? You just appeared out of nowhere.” I say, raising an eyebrow.

“You act like you haven’t seen yourself in ages. I’m you.” The little boy says eyes widening.

“Me? Prove it?” I ask, dropping myself to his eye level.

“When you were nine years old, you took your second favorite teddy bear and lit it on fire because your brother vanished along with your dad.” His eyes never mine and I could see he was being honest. “And you haven’t seen them since. It’s been nearly two hundred and thirty years.” I nodded at what he was saying.

“Fine, you’re me. Why are you here?” The words fly out of my mouth in a semi-harsh manner.

“I’m here because you need to fine the clues. I’ve come to help.” He said before adverting his gaze to stare at the airport around him.

“What clues?” My eyes followed his movements carefully. The boy, who was me, began moving toward something that looked familiar. I froze when I saw it. It was me bleeding against the SUV and the boys gathered around me. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around to look at me. “Is there where the clues are?” He nodded before turning around again.

We got closer to the huddled figures and I realized no one was moving. I glanced around at myself and I have to admit. I looked like a thousand dollars, maybe a penny. Blood was all over and my eyes were focused on someone’s. I couldn’t tell, so I sat next to myself ignoring the blood and looked at the boys.

I studied each face, trying to figure out clues. “I feel weird. I feel like a creep.” I said to the little version of myself sitting next to me.

“O shut up and study.” He said sternly. I don’t remember myself being this stern until my brother vanished. I remember changed drastically after that and wait.

“Am I dead?” I asked turning back see my younger self staring at me with eyes threatening to spill.

“Technically yes.” He said flatly.

“So I’m dead and dreaming.” The very thought of being dead made my heart sink.

“Yes and yes, but the dreaming part is because you haven’t fully died yet.” He said in the most confusing manner.

“So I’m dead, but not dead. I’m dreaming, but not dreaming? I threw my hands in the air and let out a sigh.

“Just get back to studying. Make a GLANCE AT NIALL.” He hinted in a bigger voice. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to study Niall.

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