Chapter 10: Parents (Part 1)

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Niall’s P.O.V.

“Hi Tucker.” I was now facing my father and mother. I bowed my head in respect toward them and heard a growl coming from Tucker most likely. While my head was lowered; I turned to the right slightly and saw him. Yep. He is growling at a king and queen werewolf, but most importantly, he was growling at his parents. I raised my head and looked to see both of them looking at him with confused looks.

“What do you both want?” Tucker spoke with a certain calmness that said it all. He was furious that they showed their faces to him. He knows what they did and probably more than I know.

“We came to see you.” Mother spoke up confidently, but that only made the issue worse.

“YOU WHAT?” Tucker’s voice literally broke into a roar and even I wanted to cower away from it and I’m an alpha.

“We came to see you.” Mother repeated and that only fueled a fire.

“AFTER ALL THIS TIME YOU FINALLY WANT TO SEE ME? WELL GUESS WHAT?” Tucker took a deep breath and continued. “I don’t want to see you. I don’t want to see you.” He pointed at dad. “And I don’t want to see you.” He flipped off mother. “I deal with Niall because I’m his bodyguard and I won’t have any type of relation to you guys. Now kindly FUCK OFF.” His eyes suddenly flashed a deep golden color mixed with bright red. He was growling at them both and they didn’t even do anything. They didn’t seem worried about him. Dad’s eyes went pure golden.

“YOU WILL KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AND RESPECT US!” He bellowed at Tucker who didn’t even flinch.

“No. I’d rather not, but thanks for trying dick.” I let out a growl of protection toward my parents. I suddenly felt protective of them.

“You need to shut your trap Tucker.” I turned to face him head on. He raised his eyebrow at me and moved a step toward me. I instantly took a step back. He did the same thing and I did also.

“Still afraid of me?” He asked with a smirk. I glanced downward knowing I was still afraid of him.

I heard a couple gasps and turned to see my parents looking straight at me with shocked faces. They go from being angry at Tucker to being shocked with me. Bipolar much?

“Yes.” I muttered turning my gaze downwards where the ground was really lovely.

“You don’t even know him besides the fact he is your brother and you’re afraid of him?” Dad asks me. I can hear the curiosity in his voice.

“Sense it dad. You can feel the power coming from him. He is stronger than me and not by much, but by a lot!” I shot back at my dad. I usually was very respectful, but I had to defend my honor.

Dad closed his eyes along with mom. They both took a deep breath and shot their eyes open. Their faces swung round really quickly to the left.

“You have our son.”



Yes it was a short chapter, but there is good reason. The next chapter will be kinda long XD.

If I added it all on here, I would have 4000 words... and it would be confusing.

*sorry, not sorry* XD

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