§twenty six§

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"A  r i o t  is a  p a r t y  you
D I D N ' T K N O W  know you were t h r o w i n g."

dear lacy,

fifteen days after you moved in, everything of yours was in. on tuesday afternoon i came home from practice with the boys and you were crying. i ran over to you and held your cheeks, asking what was wrong.

"i'm just so happy to be away from my dick of a mom,"you said, smiling. i kissed her lightly on the lips. "i love you lacy. you know that, right?"

you nodded. "good."

that's when i asked you if you wanted to be my girlfriend. at first your eyes widened, and i thought you were going to say no. but then you started crying and you were shaking your head yes.

"yes?!"i exclaimed. you nodded again and continued crying. "i love you so fucking much, lacy. more than the sun, the moon, and the stars!"

"i love you more, luke," you whispered after calming down. i hugged you tight, never wanting to let go.

i love you lacy. even though you say you know, you probably don't know how much. it's so much more than anyone could ever imagine.

-luke xx

lacy (l.r.h.)Where stories live. Discover now