§thirty one§

8 4 1

"Can we pretend that the
a i r p l a n e s
in the  n i g h t  s k y  are like
S H O O T I N G  S T A R S ?"

dear lacy,

lacy, i found you doing something disturbing when i came home from practice with the boys...

you were cutting.

why, lacy? i thought i made you feel better. i thought i made you happy.

well, i guess not happy enough.

-luke xx


you said it wasn't me.

i don't think i could believe that unless you're sneaking with someone or you're not telling me something. and i can't help but think...

why wouldn't you tell me? even if it wasn't about me? why would you keep this from me if you truly love me?

i truly love you, lacy. the only thing i'm keeping from you is stuff about my music, but that's hidden from everyone...

maybe that's why you won't tell me everything? you don't trust me enough?

hopefully i'm right...

i couldn't bare to lose you, lacy...

i couldn't live with myself if i let you get away.

((Little does poor Lukey pukey know, it's not trust that's getting to her...
It's something else ;-;))

lacy (l.r.h.)Where stories live. Discover now