Chatper 19

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[Liam's P.O.V.]

I woke up to the sounds of loud snoring in my ear and I briefly questioned where the noise was coming from. I realized that it was Niall who was snoring so loudly and I wondered if he had always snored. I tried to give back into the sleep that was still deep in my brain but the sound of Niall's snores were right in my ear and I could not fall back to sleep. I let out a small sigh before trying to wiggle out from the grip Niall had around my person. Eventually escaping the younger boy's arms, I wandered into my bathroom, deciding that I desperately needed one. My shower took longer than anticipated and my arms were almost stinging from the warm water. As I stepped into the steam filled bathroom, I heard some soft coughing. I quickly wrapped my towel around my waist and walked back into the bedroom. Niall was slowly waking up as he continued to cough and he sniffled. I dried myself off and put on some clothes before sitting on the edge of the bed. Pushing his hair out of his face, I pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Wake up, baby," I said gently.

His eyes fluttered open slowly and he looked at me before coughing some more. His eyes widened in a panicked nature and he opened his mouth to speak, finding his voice to be squeaky.

"Hurts," he squeaked, his hand flying to his mouth and his throat.

I gently placed a hand on his forehead to find it increasingly warm, "I think you've got a cold, love."

"Am dying?!"

"No, no. You've just caught a cold because we were out pretty late last night. Your body might not be used to the colder temperatures outside."

"Are sure am not dying?" He coughed a tad, proceeding to lead into a coughing fit.

I frowned and pushed his hair out his eyes until he was finished, "You've just got a cold, love. We all get them."

"Is normal to die?!"

"Niall," I chuckled. "You aren't dying. I wouldn't let you."



I got out of bed and he made a small squeak noise. I turned around to find him frowning and making grabby hands for me. I smiled and kissed between his ears, causing them to fall to the sides a tad.

"Where are going?"

"To get you some tea. It helps with the throatache."

Niall nodded in understanding as I walked out of the room and headed into the kitchen. I put some water on the stove for his tea and walked into the kitchen as Niall started a new coughing fit. I felt bad for the boy because he had never experience this before and he probably did think he was dying. I felt a small pang in my chest at that thought and I quickly pushed it away as I reached into the medicine cabinet before a different thought crossed my mind. Niall was half dog, could he even take human medicine? Panic started to rise in my chest as my mind raced a little faster. I grabbed some cough syrup and read that it should not be used on animals. I grabbed a few more things and the panic began to grow. I walked quickly to grab my phone, kissing Niall's forehead before exiting the room again. The water had yet to start boiling so I called Louis.

"Liam!" Louis said, excitedly.

"Lou," I sighed in relief.

"What's wrong?"

"Niall's sick and I don't know what to do."

"Liam, you've taken care of me a thousand times when I've been sick."

"You aren't part dog, Louis."

"I forgot?"

"How can you forget he's part dog?"

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