Chapter 1

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"I wonder if we are training today, nobody told me if we were." Thought a fourteen year old Sakura as she walked towards the training grounds. As she was nearing the training grounds, she heard voices so she stopped and looked around a tree. Her team was their along with the rest of the teams and their sensei's. "That's strange. Why are they meeting up without me? Everyone's there." Thought Sakura, confused.

"She's so weak that she shouldn't even be a shinobi." Sakura's eyes widened as she heard what Ino had said.

"Just extra luggage that needs to be dragged around...troublesome." said Shikamaru.

"She must be useless on missions; I mean she's too weak to fight." Said Chouji while while eating his way through a bag of snacks.

"H-hai." Said Hinata.

Sakura felt something strange in her chest and she clutched her chest. It felt like...despair as she listened to the other teams put in their opinions about her. "No, what am I doing. I should trust my teammates to do the right things." Thought Sakura while still clutching her chest.

"...I'm ashamed of Sakura. She's out of her league and she shouldn't have become a shinobi if she was just going to be extra luggage that we have to take around. The other villagers would probably think the same. What's the point of becoming a shinobi if you are just going to make the chances of a mission failing become higher." Said Kakashi in his drawling voice.

Sakura clutched harder to her chest and she watched as the tears landed beneath her. "...No...No...Naruto...Sasuke...make the pain go away...don't say what they did...please...stop the pain."

"Sakura is a burden to us and slows us down on missions. She's annoying." Said Sasuke while leaning against a tree.


"She's not useful on any missions and she beats us up more than actually doing anything useful!" said Naruto loudly.

Sakura leaned put a hand against the tree to support her. Her chest had an unbearable feeling in it...It felt all the emotions in the world.

Sakura stood up straight and ran away. She was running to the Hokage office. She stopped at the door of Tsunade's office and was about to raise her hand to knock when she stopped.

"Sakura...I agree with you Shizune. She shouldn't be called a shinobi." She heard Tsunade say.

Sakura's hand fell to her side.

"If we told the villagers, they would agree. She shouldn't be allowed to protect the village as a shinobi. She constantly slows her team down and jeopardizes the success of the mission. If the villagers found out they would hate her." Said Shizune.

"I agree." Said Tsunade.

Sakura ran...ran to her house.

"Tsunade...she's always felt like the mother I never had." Thought Sakura as she fell on her bed and cried the pain away.

Sakura had lost her parents a few months after she had been placed in team 7. Nobody but Tsunade knew.

A few hours later Sakura was trying to sleep but she couldn't. The word...weak...kept invading her thoughts. "What am I going to do? Tomorrow I have I have to go meet Kakashi-sen-...No, he doesn't deserve my respect...I have to go meet the team in the training grounds."

Sakura turned slightly in her bed and looked out the window, and at the moon. The tears fell once more, blocking the sight of the moon.

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