The Mall Chapter 8

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Camilla Pov

Mo laughed and made me smile, she quickly got some things done and while I was waiting I went to my room and put on my necklace the one I gave to Mo but mine's the same as her's so we have it alike. Mo came in and asked me what I was doing? I walked forward to her and put on the necklace I gave her we both smiled and left. Mo ran in the car and put on her ear phones she was listening to her music so I can listen to mine. I put Pandora ( yes I'm using Pandora hehehehe!) I was jamming till I got a text from Jemi it read: Hey! Camilla I heard Mo moved in with you! can't wait to see you two! ;) ugh...Jemi heh jokes on you! I texted back Jolt moved in with you so be careful :3 GRRR! CAMILLA!! ( I laughed so hard I didn't know we where there.)

Mo P.O.V

When I was listening to music I saw Camilla laughing must be something someone texted her haha. belive it or not I didn't see we where there. Camilla parked and I put my earphones away and my phone. we went in got some groceries and some stuff for the house, I got purple curtains but Camilla wanted black we where in a battle it was hilarious. we got out but before we did we went to ate at Taco Bell and we went back in the car it was hot so it felt fresh hah...I sighed with relief Camilla got us Star Bucks next so I cooled down a little. we went back home and I fell on my bed Camilla laid on top of me playfully, Camilla off! I said bearly breathing. Fine... Camilla got off me and I gasped for air she grabbed me and tickled me it was torture but I got her down with me I tripped her and we where rough housing we stopped and Camilla said she won but let's be real...I won! it was 9:00 am and I was tired.. I told Camilla I was going to bed but it looked like she needed sleep too so she followed me and she got her side and when we went shopping I got another bed and slept there it felt nice and soft and I noticed Camilla was holding my hand I blushed and didn't let go and fell asleep all is well with Camilla. Home sweet Home...


Hey Guys! Itz Jay Jay games here bout call me Julie anyways, sorry for short chapter and I was hungry when I did this and tired so yeah well goodnight everyone...( falls on bed and knocks out) Baii!!! :3

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