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He trotted to a shelf with a small box on it. He tried reaching up and jumped a bit, grabbing it. Sliding it open, he found some slim sticks inside. His mother and father were sitting in the lounge, at some distance from where he was, watching tv on the couch and laughing together. "Baby, come heeeere," his mother called softly from the couch. The red ends of the sticks had him fascinated. He took two or three out, spilling half from the box. He had seen his mother rub them on the side of the box when she was cooking appetizing things in the kitchen. He tried it, and immediately, an orange flicker appeared before his eyes. He dropped it in surprise on the carpet. Stumbling back a bit, he gazed at it in wonder as it spread. He pulled out another stick, watching it flare up just like the previous one. He dropped that too, standing still and staring in a daze, as the warm bright orange light spread, the flames slowly rising up and licking the door in front of him, which led to the hall behind the lounge. The heat wasn't bothering him at all. It started to flicker towards him, beckoning him..
The kitchen door opened behind him, a bloodcurdling scream resounded in his ears as the girl from next door grabbed him, her nails digging in his arms, pulling him out of the house. Something crashed inside and sudden screams arose from inside the lounge.

Travis's P.O.V

Travis awoke with a start, the flames of his nightmare fading away, but oh, so slowly.

It was hard to forget. His parents' grieving eyes as they watched him through the window, as they saw in his eyes the reflection of the horror that was about to engulf them.

But just at the last moment, his mother's eyes changed. They held nothing but understanding and forgiveness.

Only he knew what had caused the fire to spread so fast, what had made it so hungry and devouring...Travis shook his head, running his fingers through his hair and sighing.

He got up and walked over to the window. Baring his palm, he watched a blue dancing flame hover a centimeter above his hand. Finally, he had learnt control. He clamped down on a bitter laugh inside his head. Only when it's too late...

He clenched his fist, extinguishing the flame.

Now to return to the usual routine of his life. Every day was the same. Really, he wondered. What was the point of his life, his very existence?

After a quick breakfast, he headed for his car. Automatons and machines were no problem for him. They responded to his thoughts.

As he headed for his office, passing the stores lined up, he felt a sudden shiver up his spine. He frowned.

Then he saw a girl. A regular 12 year old, except her condition was pitiful. And she was alone. He got the feeling that she was lost.

Memories almost jammed his heart with tenderness. He knew how she felt.

She was just walking straight ahead, barely focusing on any one thing. A tattered hoodie and jeans, and a simple black satchel were all that appeared to belong to her. She looked like nothing special, only that he saw himself, 10 years ago, in that face.

He stopped the car, got out and started towards her. When she saw him, her expression changed to one of terror.

She started backing away.

"Hey wait!" he called. "Please."

She stopped.

"Don't come near me," she whispered.

"Hey no, I won't do anything, I just"

He moved closer, stopping about a meter away.

Then he saw her eyes, and he knew she was...different. They were grey, with silvery streaks running through, making her eyes look like they were a constantly moving storm. She saw him looking at her eyes and flopped her hoodie over them.

"I'm a freak. Don't come near me. Please."

It was in her last choked out word that he felt her anguish, his mind suddenly registered everything with a click.

She was scared. She was running away from somewhere. She didn't know where to go. She thought she was a freak because of...and that's when it hit him. She had hurt someone by accident. She considered herself a monster and held herself in repulsion.

"You're not a freak," he said gently, "You're just like I used to be."

She looked up.

" you wanna come home with me?"

Wait, what was he thinking? He barely knew her! But...he wanted to help her, and he knew she was different. For the first time in years, he could try to help someone the way he wanted to.

Jean's P.O.V

Watching this man and hearing what he had to say, expression became dazed. Well, she thought, what have I to lose? I've lost everything already...does it really matter what I do now?

Going with this person...when he asked if she wanted to come with him, his dark chocolate brown eyes and lips lit up with a smile, his head tilted a bit to the left.

Yes. She would go with him. He looked nice and kind, something she barely saw in many people.

She gave a mute nod.

"Alrighty then. Home it is," he smiled again.

God help me, was her last thought as she entered the car and the door clicked shut.

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