Chapter 5

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Oh my God that cake looked delicious..I just..need to...grab out....

"OOF!!" Connor groaned as I rolled over the couch's edge and on him heavily.

I awoke with a start, yelping "sorry!!"

"It's okay," he pushed my shoulders gently.

I clambered back onto the couch, sitting on it with folded legs, slightly embarrassed.

"By the way um.." I trailed off.

Connor lifted his arm off his face, raising his eyebrow questioningly.

They were both sharing a blanket on the floor beside me.

Why do I feel so guilty?

"Did you..heal me?"

I vaguely remembered seeing a soft green glow after the bear incident, and Connor leaning over me. I couldn't fathom what else it could have been.

"A bit. Just sealed your wounds."

"..thank you..for everything," I murmured.

They had saved me and taken care of me unconditionally.

He shrugged.

Not very talkative hm.

Suddenly, a thought struck me.

"Connor?" I glanced down at him again.


"Where's Travis? Why isn't he here yet?"

Connor slowly pushed himself up on his elbows. His black vest accentuated his lean muscle. His hair was so messy.

I don't know why, but I've been crazy for tousled and mussy hair ever since I could remember. I played with Trav's soft hair so much, he patiently waited until I'd be content enough to let him go..which took an hour or so.

Woman, snap out of it!!

I shook my head and awaited Connor's response.

"He died."

I stared at him. "What?"

"That bear. It killed him. In front of you. You don't remember?"

Tori shifted a bit in her sleep, cracking her eyes open.  "Morninnng unhh.." she glanced at me sleepily and then sat up abruptly. "Jean..why are you crying?"

I realized tears were flowing out of my eyes as I touched my face.

She scrambled over Connor and hugged me furiously as reality finally crashed down on me. The moment he had died replayed itself in my mind so vividly, I broke down, giving an anguished cry in Tori's arms. She held me tightly.

After twenty minutes of painful sobs racking through my body, I felt so exhausted and numb, I found myself drifting to sleep again.

God, I hope Tori doesn't mind my tears and drool and runny nose..

I woke up with my eyes puffy and swollen.

Ignoring my heart's pain, I quickly washed up and pushed the door to the main room open.

Tori had her finger on Connor's chest accusingly, where they sat on the stools, but quickly pulled away when she saw me.

She looks mad at him.

"Jean, eat something." She jumped up and walked to me, giving me a spoon and a can of beans.

I gazed at the can as if it were fascinating me.

"And also..we have to move. Now."

I looked up, confused.

I just noticed a small window with rays of light entering, brightening up the whole room.

Suddenly, something blue flapped inside, perching on the table. It was a bird.

"Kira!" Tori hurried toward it.

I followed her.

It cocked its head to the side, scrutinising me with a black eye. Its feathers had a soft sheen of blue, with a white feathered chest and an intricate black pattern on its neck and face. Its tail feathers and wings were long, with a few tiny dark blue feathers curling off the back of its head.

Wow..its beautiful. I've never seen anything like it.

"Kira spirit partner."

I blinked. "What?"

She sighed. "For now, just eat. You're in a shock. We'll explain everything on the way." She turned to the bird, nodding a bit as its black eyes gazed intensely in Tori's.

Two of them..around here..not safe..leave, now..

I felt fear rise up in me.

Connor came and stood beside me.

"Tori..what is that b-..what is Kira saying?" I asked in a low voice.

"Two more of those creatures are around here. It's not safe. It's like with three of us here, they can find us faster. Your scent is strong," she murmured.

I had already heard what she said in a soft female voice. Was it the bird's? That's absurd.

I snapped myself to the present. Quickly opening the can, I horked them down hastily, plopping the can on the table when I was done.

"Then, let's move," I declared.

I had still not fully perceived the shock of Trav dying. But I had accepted it. I wasn't going to cry anymore. I was going to ignore the pain and push it away. I couldn't let these two people get hurt because of me spacing out again and again.

She nodded, her eyes gleaming at me.

Connor sighed, his hand in his hair.

I don't know what lay ahead, but I was determined to face the odds and survive somehow.

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