Chapter 2

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I couldn't sleep. The wolf creatures kept appearing in my mind and every time I heard small sounds, I could feel my ears twitching a bit and straining to make out the source.

Travis shifted a bit and groaned because of his uncomfortable posture, stretching. I sighed and pushed myself off the ground, my limbs weary. He dug about in his bag for a bit before throwing me a bar of chocolate.

Nibbling on the candy, we started moving again, this time a bit slower.

"Jean, if you're tired, just tell me..okay? We'll stop for a bit again".

I let loose a snort.

He smiled without looking back. "Thought so."

I punched him playfully, dodging a tree branch, pushing away at leaves. He laughed and kept moving, leading the way.

"So where are we headed? I don't think you even know. Right?" I said.

He stared straight ahead.

"Hopefully, we can find...others..."

I suddenly stopped walking. "You mean...other..."

"Yep. I just hope we can find them. They're quite...secretive."

Gee, you think? I thought, shaking my head. If any others even existed, wouldn't we know about them by now? The way Travis had found me. Lost and in pain.

I shook my head, quickly pushing thoughts out of my head.

The whole day passed just like that. Us making our way through never-ending undergrowth and bushes and trees, the scent of the earth surrounding us. Small animals scampered here and there, crickets chirped around us. I could have travelled faster, given my abilities, but I wasn't going to unless there was a way to take him with me just as fast. We made small conversation, joking lightly and chiding each other every time one slipped and the other had to help him. He was quite nimble on his feet though.

We reached a bit of a clearing two hours later as the sun faded slowly, Travis stopped, swinging his bag to the ground. We both sat down slowly. I leaned against a tree. Fatigue suddenly set in as I realized how much my feet hurt. He looked pretty much the same. We were both bruised and sore.

Breathing out a bit, I shifted to ease myself a bit and closed my eyes.

"Wait, don't sleep if you're not too tired..." he sounded oddly hesitant.

"Hmm?" I leaned up on my elbows and looked at him. Darkness had settled in fully.

He looked at me then pulled out a tiny object from his jeans pockets, wrapped in a black cloth.

He awkwardly pushed it towards me.

"What's this now?" I asked him curiously, taking it out of his hand.

"Just...ah...observe it tomorrow, go to sleep for now. G'night Jean." He was a bit nervous.

"Night." I answered.

I was even more curious now.

Travis didn't normally act this way.
He kept trailing off in the middle of his sentences, and he spoke lesser by the second. That had to mean he was worried about something, and I wondered what he was holding back.

The way we were around each other was complicated yet simple.

He never questioned about my past, and I never questioned about his.

We just knew that we were bonded by a a few certain things, one of them was loneliness and rejection from society for being born as we are.

This had created an unimaginably strong bond between us, and I cherished it with all my heart.

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