Chapter 6

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I shoved a branch out of my face, with Connor in front of me and Tori behind me.

We'd all worn dark jackets and boots, carrying a few things like emergency supplies and extra clothes and a few weapons. I still hadn't seen them, but the thought of being trained to handle weapons excited me.

I had questions and I needed them answered.

"So just..killed him?"

Connor ignored me, Tori inhaled and mumbled a 'yes'.

"And guys saw us and killed it, right?"


"You must be used to fighting off things like this, I guess.."

"Sort of."

Silence ensued for a bit as we walked on.

"And Travis's body..?"

Connor halted abruptly and turned around, with me walking straight into his hard chest.

I winced a bit, backing up into Tori, her hands holding me steady.

Ooh, I'm slightly taller than her.

"We saw something slightly weird. I don't think it's natural. After you lost consciousness, his sort of dissipated."

He moved closer to me, stopping two inches away, his green eyes half hooded in concentration, and inhaled a bit.

"His scent has disappeared off you too."

I blinked. His close proximity didn't bother me, but I was fascinated by how he was so confident in his smelling abilities.


"We don't know," Tori explained. "We can only settle on one conclusion..he's not even like us. If we die, our bodies would turn to sand in a few days, any material objects on us would stay as they are. Even the material objects on him dissipated."

Connor stepped back, then continued to walk as I fell in step, my arms folded and face scrunched in thoughts.

As usual, my flicks fell over my face, obscuring my eyes.

"Wait!" I suddenly cried, feeling around me frantically. I dove my hand into my bag, feeling around in it.

Oh my God.

I grabbed Connor's shoulder, yanking him back toward me.

Damn, he's so hard to pull.

"What??" He growled at me.

Oh hell.

I released him immediately, turning to Tori. "Tori, I had an object with had some ridges in it and it was sort of oval-shaped.." I babbled away, unable to clarify because even I hadn't seen it clearly.

I cussed at myself for not remembering it. I knew it was important. Wish I'd realized that earlier.

Her eyebrow rose. "I haven't seen it. You sure it was with you?"

"Yes, yes!" I exclaimed, whipping my head around frantically.

Connor placed a firm hand on my shoulder. "No, you're not going back. There wasn't anything."

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