Chapter 3

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We both took off so fast, I nearly twisted my ankle. And then I heard a horrible blood-chilling snarl right behind me.

I was just wondering how fast it could move when I felt claws raking down the side of my stomach, and another set of claws nearly tearing my shoulder socket off.

Travis let out a yell, and heat seared near me. I felt myself being thrown away as the bear turned it's attention to Trav.

Crashing in a tree, I lay on the ground for I don't know how long, with a mass of grass and soil in my mouth, and although I knew it was better to be half singed then completely mauled, I just wondered what type of meatloaf I looked like.

Suddenly, I felt furious.

Why won't they leave us alone?

What did they want?

I slowly pushed myself up, ignoring the pain, which I knew I would regret like hell later, and started staggering towards the bear with no idea of what I was about to do whatsoever.

The bear was lashing out at him again and again, and he was barely managing to dodge the slashes.

Travis's stomach was bloody with gashes, his shirt hung off him in crimson shreds, his face was bloody too, one of his fury increased to a tenthfold.

No one, no THING was allowed to do what the bear did with him.

Fury lent energy to my body, I let out an animal like scream, launching myself at the bear with my whole body crackling in lightening.

I don't know what I did, but the next thing I knew, the bear was flying backwards, and I dreamily marveled at the way it's huge massive body crushed every tree and rock in it's way.

Shaking my head slightly, I turned back to Travis quickly.

He was dazed, his eyes unfocused. I bent down beside him, now I was nearly reduced to tears.

Choking back a sob, I begged him to get up. "Please, Trav. Get up, you have to get up, please.."

His eyes were glazed but he tried to obey. He struggled half up, then fell back down, with me stumbling a bit too.

"Travis. Please." My voice now shook as sobs racked my body. "Please. Get up. Please...please..."

He looked at me, his eyes still unfocused. He shoved himself up soundlessly, leaning onto my shoulder, then he looked behind me. My eyes widened.

No. Please God, no.

My ears couldn't make out the sounds clearly, all I knew was everything behind me was being crushed down as the beast charged towards us.

Abruptly, Trav twisted us both, pushing me near a tree trunk, now standing in my position, just as a massive jolt ran through his body.

Suddenly, silence fell over everything. He coughed blood on my cheek, his arms leaning on the tree above my head as bloody, jagged claws slowly retracted from his stomach.

I could no longer process things right.

His mouth hung low, near my ear, his gasping breath warm on my cheek.

"Live," his choked out whisper made its way to my ears.

My back was pressed against the tree, tears flowing out of my unbelieving eyes as he slumped forward on me, his chest resonating with three more fading beats before dying away completely.

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