Chapter 8

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My eyes fluttered open slowly when I felt something warm on my face.

I blinked several times to process what I was seeing. I clamped down on a scream of terror, swallowing hard, frozen as the shaggy, dark brown wolf snuffled at my face with a wet, warm nose.

Seeing my eyes open, it sat back on its haunches, tongue lolling out as if amused at my expression.

"Jean, relax," I heard Tori laugh behind me.

Wait...grey streak starting from one ear and going along its spine..

Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I sat up and suddenly glared at the wolf.


He pushed up onto his paws and pranced around me while dodging my slap.

I groaned and rubbed my hand on my moist face.

Your expression is priceless.

My head snapped to him.

He was staring at me intently.

Then, he suddenly lifted his nose, sniffing and tasting the air, and took off in a brown flurry.

Tori had already gabbed all of our belongings. She pushed a sleepy me forward, in the direction Connor had bounded off.

Hearing the sound of water made my eyes widen. I stumbled forward a bit faster to be greeted by a beautiful sight.

Gushing water was making its way through huge rocks and flowing onward into a large stream that divided further on.

Tori and I clambered up a rock, with delighted gasps, kneeling down and splashing the cool, refreshing water on our faces.

"Ahh, I thought dirtwoman would become my identity," I stated in relief.

Tori suddenly tugged my pony off with me emitting a yelp.

"SORRY, it's just that it looks so messyyyy!"

Five minutes later, a small comb and Tori's deft fingers had braided my jet black hair.

I did like my hair a bit, it reached below my shoulders in wavy curls. But I also wanted to cut it all off.

Suddenly, I felt goosebumps up my whole body.

Tori wordlessly grabbed my arm, pulling me to a tree. We both hastily climbed it, peering down through the branches.

"Wha-..what is it, Kitsu?" A low, deep voice said softly nearby.

"I swear this place is creepy as ever," another male voice muttered.

Two dark figures made their way through the shadowed trees, on the other side of the gushing stream.

All I could hear then was the water.

A low growl emanated from the first male. "I can smell you."


"Wolf boy."

I froze.

Leaning forward further, I saw Connor's tail swishing as he remained still, snarling silently, his canines bared. He was on our side of the water.

"Well well well..." the boy had his teeth bared, the other was frowning. Both were clad in dusty jeans, a black t-shirt and a sleeveless army jacket, a knife's hilt poking out of one's pocket.

They had auburn hair, one with a buzzcut.

I grabbed Tori's arm, urgently motioning that we should get down. She nodded.

We both dropped down onto the ground, crunching leaves as we straightened, walking in front to stand beside Connor.

They silently watched us.

Their eyes were..untamed. I could notice them even from this distance. Golden brown, flashing as they slowly observed us. The taller one had some small scars on his jaw and cheek. He shifted slightly, taking a step closer.

"Done checking us out?" He smirked at us.

Connor growled deep in his throat.

"Or maybe I'd find a rock more attractive than you," scoffed Tori.


I sensed various vibes off Connor and cleared my throat.

Then I saw the small fox curling around one's leg that was on a rock.

"Oh. My. God," I breathed out and shifted restlessly, scanning the rocks quickly to find a way to the other side.

The fox quickly darted toward the second boy. He laughed, picking it up in his arms. "Who are you people and how did you get here?"

I blinked at him, my mind still on the fox.

Kitsu, was it?..Hhh so adorable!

Connor slowly morphed back into human form, rising from his crouched position, looking sullen.

"We've just been running for our lives ever since we were born," Tori replied with a bright smile.

The second one whistled.

"I'm tired," I stated. "I stink. I'm hungry. I haven't had a decent meal in ages. I just saw an adorable fox that I really, really wanna cuddle with. I want a nice, warm shower and a cosy bed. I'm pretty sure my friends feel the same way. So..please take us somewhere liveable?"

Kira flew down gracefully onto Tori's shoulder.

I heard a soft boyish chuckle in the back of my head, the fox's eyes were glinting as it stared at me.

Connor glared at me. "Woman."

The two boys pulled out of their silence, one laughing a bit and the other sighing and scratching his buzzcut.

"Damn, Al's gonna kill me.."

"Naw, she's cool."

"We can't just take them there."

"We can't just leave them either."

"What if they're spies and-"

I cut through their conversation over the water's noise and let out a loud sigh.

"You can do whatever you want. I need food."

"Well..I guess we can take them."

We're right here, you know.

I shrugged, leaning back and slumping over Tori. "Ahhh, my bed."

She shoved me a bit, laughing, "you just woke up after nine hours of sleep, kid."

I straightened, muttering, "no wonder my mouth tastes like garbage.."

The taller boy leapt onto the rocks, crossing the stream in agile bounds, and slowly walked toward me.

Connor's hostile vibes amplified, he took a step closer to me, stopping a yard away from me.

That didn't stop the boy.

He stopped a foot away, gazing down at me.

Why is he so intense?

He leaned down, sniffing me tentatively. Something flashed in his eyes. "Rhys, we're taking them with us."

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