Chapter 12~

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{ Reader's P.O.V. }

It's dark...

I'm hungry...

Why am I here...

What do they want..?

That's all I could think about, as I lay on the ground in the middle of the white room, seeming to be mocking me and playing tricks on me. From the corners of my eyes I thought I saw a figure but it was only my mind playing tricks on me.

Am I meant to be alive still..?

Is this a sign that my life is coming to an end..?

Please... make it painless...

My eyes felt heavy, my frail, limp body no longer wanting to keep up with me, begging me to sleep. I need sleep.. but I can't...

They'll harm you...

They aren't taking it easy...

Don't drop your guard...

Slowly, I found myself not being able to stay up longer, as my body gave up with the demand and drifted into slumber.


All of I sudden my eyes open widely only to realize what had happened,

"Let go... please..."

The purple haired ghoul was now in the room by himself, holding your small body roughly against the wall, as your body is wanting to go back into slumber.

"I'm hungry again..."

His words trailed off, as your body just went limp from exhaustion, as the last thing you felt was the sadist ghoul bit into your upper arm.


It's white... why is everything so white..?

Your eyes finally adjusted, seeing as you were in the middle of what seemed to be a field of beautiful white flowers, and off into the distance you could see two figures, it was a male and a female. Out of instinct you began running towards them, but your body then stopped a few feet away, as around them it became dark.

"Mom.. Poppa..?"

Those words left your lips, as then you realize they are indeed you parents. Behind them you could see a dark figure begin to grab at their legs, and all of a sudden-


The beautiful white flowers were now splattered red. As the flowers soaked up the blood, they soon turned into Lycoris radiata, or also known at the red spider lily. Your e/c eyes were wide open, as your parents fell back into the darkness, as they were consumed.

They're gone because of a ghoul...

I don't have them.. because of a ghoul...

From the darkness arose a dark figure, as it then moved behind you, wrapping its arms around your waist.

"Silly girl.. your parents died because they were weak.."

"That's not true-"

"Then why did they go down without a fight? Oh that's right.. they were protecting you.. such a useless girl.."

Your head then moved to the side as you then tackled the dark figure against the flowers, as you tower over it, holding it down with such force.

"You're just as weak as they-"

"No I'm not."

"Then do it.. avenge them."

Your right hand then reached for something on the side, it was your quinque.

You stared down at the dark figure, having not features but it's sinister and white smile.

"I'm avenging them.. I'm not wrong.. I'm right.."



Your hands are now stained black, as you watched the darkness crawl up your arms and you accepted, not fighting it back nor resisting.

"You've accepted me.. now I can help you..."


Your eyes opened, at the ghoul was about to take a bite out of your shoulder when suddenly your arm jerked up to roughly grab at his neck, forcefully pushing him into the wall across from you.

"What the hell-" he choked out, his purple eyes widened in shock as you had actually over powered him, a mere human.

"You, lead me out, now." Your voice was monotone, as your grip on his neck became tighter. He coughed, nodding as you let him go, only to grab a hold of his arm and twisting it behind his back.

"Move it, now."


Hey guys! Thank you so much for being patient with me. :')) School has been a big butthole but I'm trying my best...


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