Chapter 29

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At Mom's funeral, Tobias and I sat next to each other. Tobias was focused on the altar along with every other Abnegation, except for me and Marcus. Marcus looked at the altar with disdain. I knew he hated Mom. Just despised her. He was laughing silently during the ceremony, and then he walks out. He claims he can't contain himself, but I know he's doing something very different. I'm actually sobbing while I'm sneaking out.

Marcus stands there, smoking weed and laughing to himself.

My thoughts are competing against each other, fissions so built I cannot break, and acquiescence will not return for a very long time. My eyes are glued on Marcus.

Then, Caleb Prior taps my shoulder. "Everything okay?"

"I'm fine," I reply and I walk back to the funeral.

Caleb makes his way to Marcus, while he stuffs the weed in his pocket and produces crocodile tears.

After the funeral, Tobias and I are genuinely crying, while I spot Marcus's crocodile tears.

Assumption 1- Marcus killed Mom on her way out.

Assumption 2- Marcus beat Mom so she would run.

Assumption 3- Marcus hired someone to kill Mom.

Nobody would ever admit it was Marcus Eaton, since he is the leader of Abnegation, so he is the leader of the city. As soon as we got home, Tobias got beat. I cried hearing Tobias's piercing shrieks through his bedroom door. Tobias will murder me if he finds I'm outside his door, crying silently. I run to cover it up. I know I'm next.

I walk into my bedroom, Marcus ripping off my clothes. He beats me with a belt, pushing me to the ground. It happens once, twice, three times. My whole back suddenly turns numb, with the gray carpet of my room slowly turning crimson.

"I'm trying to help you," Marcus says and the world turns black.


I dart awake, my eyes fluttering open the minute I hear those chilling words come out of Marcus's mouth. I'm the first person awake, as usual, so I get dressed and run to the chasm. I need to clear my head. When I arrive, the sound of the cold water running soothes me. Everything is perfect, for just one moment. Matt runs towards me.

"Hey Matt," I say.

"Kat, have you seen Nathan?" he asks, panicked.

"Not this morning, no," I mutter.

"That's weird," Matt says, looking back, "He must be at his usual place."

Why didn't he look there first?! That's weird. Four walks with the rest of the initiates to the cafeteria, and I squeeze into the group. I find Jo, Sage, and Abel.

"Hey guys," I ask.

"Has Creepy gone missing again?!" Sage asks.


"Oh god," Sage says.

We eat some eggs. Uriah walks into the room with Nathan and Matt.

"You okay," Nathan asks me.

"Fine. What about you?" I lie.

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