Too Late (5SOS fanfic) #12

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When the movie ends, Luke and I decide to go get something for lunch and then look around for a while. We sit down in a cute little café and talk about the movie.

"That was okay. I've seen way better. It wasn't a movie I'd see again," Luke says.

"I agree. It super predictable and just the same as any other rom-com," I complain.

"Wanna play 20 questions?" Luke says out of no where. "Because it would just be good to get to know you better. Like I know stuff about your family and shit, but not anything that... personal, I guess."

"So you want to know all my deepest, darkest secrets, huh?" I ask, laughing.

"No, no. I just wanna get to know you more. You ask first," he says.

"Okay. First one, what's your ideal perfect plan for a date?"

"Umm... I love the beach, so first we would go to the beach and then after, we'd go to my favourite ice cream parlor Cold Rock. But I'm sorta good with anything, if it's with the right person," he explains.

"Sounds nice. So I guess I know where we're going on our next date then," I joke.

"If there is a next time, there is," Luke says laughing.

"Oi! Okay, question 2. How many girlfriends have you had?" I ask, wanting to make it interesting.

"Well, if you don't count all my hundreds of girlfriends in kindergarten, I've had one serious girlfriend," Luke says.

"Who?" I ask without thinking.

"Her name's Aleisha McDonald," Luke says, looking down at the table. He obviously didn't want to talk about it.

"Three. Have you lost your V-card?" I ask giggling.

He laughs at bit.

"Nah. I'm waiting for the right moment, you know?"

"Yeah, I understand. Okay, question four. Let's go for something a little less personal. Absolute best friend in the whole wide world?" I say, putting on a kid voice.

"My absolute best friend in the whole wide world is Calum. I've known him for quite a while. It's funny because Cal and Mikey had been friends for ages and Michael hated my guts. I hated him too. And because Mikey hated me, Calum didn't like me. But then we all of a sudden became good friends and met Ashton. But me and Cal got closer and Mikey and Ash got close," Luke says.

"Okay. Five. To be honest on me," i say.

"I think you're horrible and mean," Luke jokes. I lightly slap him and he pretends to cry.

"No, seriously," I say.

"Well, to be honest you're incredibly nice and pretty. I really like you and I have since we first met. You're also really fucking talented and you can be hilarious," he said.

"I can be? Excuse me, I'm hilarious all the time," I joke.

"Don't push it," he says.

"Well, I really like you too Luke," I say smiling.

We both just sit there in silence, staring across the table. It sounds awkward, but it was nice.

"We should get back to the game," Luke says out of nowhere.

I continue asking the questions and he answers all of them completely honestly. We eventually get to his turn to ask.

"Okay! My turn! Question 1. How many boyfriends have you had?" He asks.

"I've had one serious one. His name was Rory. We ended up breaking it off because I found out that he was cheating on me," I answer honestly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. He sounds like a complete dick. Why would he hurt you like that? What an asshole," he gets a little angry over it.

I laugh because he was getting so worked up.

"It's seriously fine. I was pretty sad for about a week, but then I picked myself up and thought "I can do better than that jerk." And I was fine."

"Well, if anyone ever hurts you like that again, just tell me and I'll take care of them," he says. I laugh.

"Why are you laughing? I'm serious."

"You're silly, Lukey," I giggle.

"Question two. What's the furthest you've gone with someone?" Luke says smirking.

"Personal enough there? Well, I haven't gone "all the way", if that's what you're wondering," I didn't want to tell him what I had done. It sounds stupid.

"Oh, okay," he says leaving it at that.

We keep playing until we finish our food and our game. We wonder around the city and I drag Luke into some shops.

As we're walking and I'm talking non-stop about just anything I can think about, Luke stops.

"Fuck," I hear him say, under his breath.

"What?" I ask.

I turn around to see a couple who look kind of familiar, because they go to my school.

"It's Skyla," Luke says.



Suspense! Hey guys. I'm Gabriella! Sorry I haven't said anything here before. But I'm going to from now on. I just wanted to say thank you to the people reading my story and I hope you like it. Sorry it's kinda boring so far but it'll get better, I promise.

Thanks again.

xx Gab

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