Too Late (5SOS fanfic) #29

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Too Late

I walk through the doors of my house, a smile across my face, feeling so glad that things with Luke and I were good again. To be honest, we're a little awkward at the moment because of everything that happened but I'm sure it will all be good again soon.

I walk up to my bedroom, throwing my bag on the floor and collapsing on my bed with my phone. I decide to text Jess.

"Hey Jess. How was lunch with Cal?

Tess x"

Within a minute she replied.

"It was awesome. He's incredible. Who did you hang out with?"

"Luke. Can we hang out tomorrow?"

"Sure. Wait, what happened with you and Luke anyway?"

"I'll call you."

I press her phone number and she picks up in a second.

"Well, so on Saturday, Luke and I went to Ashton's to practice for music and then after, I went back to Luke's to watch a movie. Then he got all angry at me because apparently Ashton was flirting with me and he got jealous. Then I left because we were fighting. Then on Sunday Ashton came over because I was sad and then we watched a movie and we danced and then he kissed me! Now I'm not talking to Ashton. And today me and Luke made up and we're kind of awkward now but we're okay," I explain it really fast.

"Wait, Ashton kissed you?!" She yells.

"Yeah..." I say quietly.

"What the hell? I didn't even know he liked you in that way!"

"Neither did I," i say.

"Did you tell Luke?"

"Uh, no. He'll probably kick the shit of Ashton," I say truthfully.

"Yeah, he probably would. I just can't believe he would kiss you, especially when you're dating Luke!"

"Ashton's also pissed of at Luke for picking a fight with me."

"Wow Tess. I just hope everything turns out okay because of the band, you know?"

"Yeah. I don't want to ruin their friendship."

"Yeah. Well, I gotta go now. I promised Calum I'd call him," Jess says.

"Okay. See you tomorrow Jess," I say.

"Bye," she hangs up.

I get bored, so I text Luke.

"Hey Luke :)" I text him.

I wait for about 5 minutes before he texts back.

"Hey :-)" he replies.

"Lol that face looks like a rapist."

":-) :-) :-) :-)" I laugh at his reply.

"D: I'm scared! They're going to rape me."

"I won't let them rape you! I'll kill them!"

Just as I'm about to text back, I get a call from a blocked number.

"Hello?" I say.

"Why are you hanging out with Luke again?" An angry voice booms through my phone.

"What the fuck Ashton?! What's wrong with you?" I yell.

"You shouldn't hang out with him! He called you a bitch Tessa!"

"He was just a little worked up! You're not my fucking boyfriend Ashton! Stop acting like it!"

"Tessa, Luke isn't good for you!"

"Leave me alone Ashton! It's not my fault you like me! I love Luke, okay?! Why can't you just deal with it?" I yell, not even thinking about what I was saying.

There's nothing but silence on the other end.

"I'll fucking leave you alone then," he says after a while.

"Well, thank god for that!" I hang up. Although I was angry at Ashton, I didn't mean to hurt his feelings like that. What I said was too harsh and I would hate it if anyone else said that to me.

I hold my phone in my hand, a little tense because of the previous phone call. My phone buzzes and I check it.



"Where'd you go? :-("

Luke texted me while I was on the phone to Ashton.

"Sorry, I just got a call."

"Oh, okay." He replies.

"Can we hang out tomorrow after school?" I text him.

"Sure. Where do you want to go?"

"Can you just come to mine?" I reply.

"Sure :-). Can't wait x"

"Neither xx"

"Gtg now, sorry babe. Love you x" a huge grin spreads across my face.

"Okay. Love you too xoxo"

I'm so happy that Luke and I are back to normal. I knew the argument wouldn't last long at all. But on the other hand, I don't know how long the thing with Ashton would last.


LOL sorry for the shittiest chapter in the whole world. I don't know how to make this better PLEASE let me know if you have any ideas on how to improve this.


Love you heaps,


Ps: please follow my Twitter @/kinkycliff0rd

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